Book Symposium: Scott Hershovitz's "Law is a Moral Practice"
Scott Hershovitz (Michigan) (Book author)
Stephanie Barclay (Notre Dame) (Commentator)
Notes & Changes
Law is a Moral Practice (Harvard University Press 2023)
What is law? And how does it relate to morality? It’s common to think that law and morality are different ways of regulating our lives. But Scott Hershovitz says that this is a mistake: law is a part of our moral lives. It’s a tool we use to adjust our moral relationships. The legal claims we advance in court, Hershovitz argues, are moral claims. And our legal conflicts are moral conflicts.
Law Is a Moral Practice supplies fresh answers to fundamental questions about the nature of law and helps us better appreciate why we disagree about law so deeply. Reviving a neglected tradition of legal thought most famously associated with Ronald Dworkin, Hershovitz engages with important legal and political controversies of our time, including recent debates about constitutional interpretation and the obligations of citizens and officials to obey the law.
Leavened by entertaining personal stories, guided by curiosity rather than ideology, moving beyond entrenched dichotomies like the opposition between positivism and natural law, Law Is a Moral Practice is a thought-provoking investigation of the philosophical issues behind real-world legal debates.
The second seminar of Trinity Term 2024 will be a book symposium on Scott Hershovitz's book Law is a Moral Practice (Harvard 2023)
Stephanie Barclay (Notre Dame)
Hasan Dindjer (Oxford)
David Enoch (Oxford/Hebrew)
Followed by remarks from the author, and Q&A
This seminar takes place in the Arthur Goodhart Seminar Room, University College, at 5:00pm on Thursday May 2.
The Room is located in Logic Lane and can be accessed from High St. or Merton St. without having to go through the main entrance to Univ College.
This event is open to anyone. No registration needed.
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