Artificial Intelligence, Agility and Fragility: Rethinking Assumptions in the Equality Act 2010 to Strengthen the Protections from Discrimination

Event date
6 March 2025
Event time
14:00 - 15:30
Oxford week
HT 7
Members of the University
Faculty of Law

Tanya Krupiy (New Castle Law School)

Notes & Changes

This event will be hybrid, taking place in-person at the Faculty of Law and online via zoom. For in-person attendees, cookies and coffee will be provided. Please subscribe to the mailing list of the Future of Technology and Society for online attendance. 

About the event

The Future of Technology and Society Discussion Group is pleased to host Tanya Krupiy this Hilary Term. In her presentation, Tanya will address some of the ways in which the use of artificial intelligence as part of the decision-making process poses difficulties for protecting individuals from discrimination in the context of the Equality Act 2010. It will propose how a number of assumptions in the provisions of the Equality Act 2010 can be rethought in order to enable this legislation to better respond to the challenge of discrimination in the digital context.

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