Society of Legal Scholars Small Projects and Events Fund
Notify Faculty of intention to apply by: 10 April 2025
Funder Deadline: 1 May 2025
This fund supports projects or activities by members which fall within the charitable objects of the Society (“the advancement of legal education”) but outside the terms of the Society of Legal Scholars (SLS) Research Activities Fund (which provide for awards “for the purpose of assisting [the applicant] in their research including speaking at a conference…”) or of the SLS Annual Seminar Series Award (which provide funding for a major annual symposium). Subject to those limitations (and to appropriate funds continuing to be available), the projects or activities include those relating either to teaching or to research, or to both (including the organisation of pedagogical or research events).
The fund is not designed to support essentially individual research projects or activities, for which the most appropriate route is the Research Activities Fund. The annual limit of the fund (ie the total set aside annually to cover all awards) is currently £30,000.
Eligibility: Ordinary Member of the SLS in good standing as at the 30th September prior to the date of the application.
Maximum amount: £5,000.
Funder Deadline | 1st May 2025 |
Faculty budget approval | 24th April 2025 (-7) |
Law Faculty Deadline for first draft review | 17th April 2025 (-14) |
Law Faculty Deadline for initial notification of interest | 10th April 2025 (-21) |
Further information on how to apply can be found here.
For more information about the SLS, please visit