Leverhulme Research Project Grant

Updated 1st December 2020
The Leverhulme Research Project Grant offers up to £500,000 for up to 5 Years on a topic of the applicant’s choice. It enables individuals to conduct innovative and original research projects of high quality and potential and must reflect the personal vision of the applicant, demonstrating compelling competence in the research design.
At the Faculty of Law, both permanent postholders staff are eligible to apply for funds to cover replacement teaching costs (for up to a third of full time over the project life) and a fixed term researcher who is looking to secure a salary would need to be a named researcher on the project (not the PI or CoI). For further information, please visit the section on "I need my salary covered".
Detailed eligibility criteria are also set out within the Leverhulme Eligibility Criteria.
There is considerable flexibility when it comes to subject area. The choice of theme and design of the research is entirely up to the main applicant (Principal Investigator). However, we advise that you carefully read the statement on the Leverhulme Trust’s approach to grant-making prior to making an application.
You can submit a first-stage 'outline' application at any time - there are no fixed closing dates, but you should allow at least 12 weeks for review and then time to submit the full application to meet one of the three deadlines.
Grants cover salary and research costs directly associated with the project.
The Trust favours applications that surmount traditional disciplinary academic boundaries and involve a willingness to take appropriate degrees of risk in setting research objectives.
Applications should be made via the Leverhulme Trust Grant Application System. Please allow sufficient time to read the system guidance notes especially with regards to the on-line approval process.
For further information (including guidance and advice on writing an application) please refer to the Leverhulme website for this scheme.
Please allow sufficient time for your application to be reviewed and amended at each stage. This will allow us to support you more effectively and ensure that your proposal is ready for formal submission.
Law Faculty deadline for initial expression of interest | 30 Days prior to proposed submission |
Law Faculty deadline for first draft review | 15 Days prior to proposed submission |
Research Services deadline | 5 Days prior to proposed submission |
Funder deadline | Not applicable - Open Call |
Assessment for 'outline' applications is normally completed within three months. If successful, the applicant will be invited to submit a detailed proposal for which there are 3 closing dates per year. Earliest start dates are 5-6 months after the closing date for each round of detailed applications.