Tarquin Holmes
Research Administrator

Position Description
Working within the Law Faculty Research Administration team supporting:
- Handling Research Administration correspondence via research@law.ox.ac.uk.
- Promoting external and internal research funding opportunities within the Faculty, including via updating funding opportunities pages.
- Co-ordinating internal selection processes for ECR fellowship schemes.
- Managing the Faculty Research Support Fund and Faculty Internet Engagement Fund.
- Managing small Faculty grants, including Higher Studies Fund awards.
Featured Publications
Friese C, Holmes T and Message R, ‘Introduction to national cultures of animals, care and science’ (2023) 18(4) BioSocieties 707
Holmes T and Friese C, ‘Figuring the ’cynical scientist’ in British animal science: the politics of invisibility’ (2023) 18(4) BioSocieties 780
Holmes T, ‘Science, sensitivity and the sociozoological scale: Constituting and complicating the human-animal boundary at the 1875 Royal Commission on Vivisection and beyond.’ (2021) 90 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 194
Holmes T and Friese C, ‘Making the anaesthetised animal into a boundary object: an analysis of the 1875 Royal Commission on Vivisection.’ (2020) 42(4) History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 50
Holmes T, ‘An Amateur Physiologist: George Henry Lewes as Witness at the 1875 Royal Commission on Vivisection, Part II’ (2024) 76(1) George Eliot - George Henry Lewes Studies 1
Holmes T, ‘An Amateur Physiologist: George Henry Lewes as Witness at the 1875 Royal Commission on Vivisection, Part I’ (2024) 75(2) George Eliot - George Henry Lewes Studies 115
Friese C, Holmes T and Message R, ‘Introduction to national cultures of animals, care and science’ (2023) 18(4) BioSocieties 707
Holmes T and Friese C, ‘Figuring the ’cynical scientist’ in British animal science: the politics of invisibility’ (2023) 18(4) BioSocieties 780
Holmes T, ‘Science, sensitivity and the sociozoological scale: Constituting and complicating the human-animal boundary at the 1875 Royal Commission on Vivisection and beyond.’ (2021) 90 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 194
Holmes T and Friese C, ‘Making the anaesthetised animal into a boundary object: an analysis of the 1875 Royal Commission on Vivisection.’ (2020) 42(4) History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 50
Holmes T, ‘The wild type as concept and in experimental practice: A history of its role in classical genetics and evolutionary theory’ (2017) 63 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 15
Holmes T, ‘Bearing Witness: Ruth Harrison and British Farm Animal Welfare (1920–2000). Claas Kirchhelle’ [2023] Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences jrad079 (review)
Holmes T, ‘BERT THEUNISSEN, Beauty or Statistics: Practice and Science in Dutch Livestock Breeding, 1900-2000, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020.’ (2021) 43(3) History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 98 (review)
Holmes T, ‘Vanessa Heggie, Higher and Colder: A History of Extreme Physiology and Exploration Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2019. Pp. 253. ISBN 978-0-2266-5088-3. $40.00 (hardback).’ (2021) 54(2) The British Journal for the History of Science 239 (review)
Holmes T, ‘Nicole C. Nelson, Model Behavior: Animal Experiments, Complexity, and the Genetics of Psychiatric Disorders. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2018. Pp. 255. ISBN 978-0-2265-4608-7. $30.00 (paperback)’ (2020) 53(2) British Journal for the History of Science 279 (review)
Holmes T, ‘Book Review: Steven Vogel, ’Thinking Like a Mall: Environmental Philosophy after the End of Nature’’ [2017] Marx and Philosophy Review of Books (review)