Susan Block-Lieb

Susan Block-Lieb is a Professor at Fordham Law School, where she holds the Cooper Family Chair in Urban Legal Studies. She specializes in bankruptcy, consumer debt adjustment, corporate reorganization and restructuring, commercial and consumer finance, including consumer financial protection, and commercial laws more generally, including international and transnational law and lawmaking in this context. She has written extensively on unification, harmonization and modernization of international private law by international organizations, on global governance by the G20, IMF, World Bank and UN, on sovereign debt restructuring and more generally on transnational legal orders. Together with Terence C. Halliday, she is author of Global Lawmakers: International Organizations in the Crafting of World Markets (Cambridge Univ. Press 2017), an intensive study of global lawmaking by the UN Commission on International Trade Law. She has consulted for the International Monetary Fund, served as a reporter and observer at World Bank task forces on insolvency and secured transactions law reform initiatives, and has been a delegate from the American Bar Association to UNCITRAL’s Insolvency Working Group for more than 15 years.