Stergios Aidinlis

Stergios Aidinlis is currently a Lecturer in Law and the Programme Director of the LLM/MSc in Law, Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies at Keele Law School.
He joined Keele in 2023, having previously worked as a Researcher on Law and AI at the University of Oxford, Faculty of Law.
Stergios has also been a Research Analyst at Trilateral Research where he led the data protection and ethics efforts within the H2020 project DARLENE, which involved combining augmented reality (AR) and machine learning (ML) technology to improve situational awareness of police officers while combatting crime and terrorism.
Stergios completed his DPhil in Socio-Legal Studies as a member of St Cross college, supervised by Professors Jane Kaye and Bettina Lange in 2020. His research, funded by the ESRC and the Onassis Foundation, theorises data sharing regulation in the British public sector, particularly with regard to disclosing Government-owned, administrative data for research purposes. Working at the intersections of data sharing law, administrative justice and regulatory theory, this work assesses stark differences in the behaviour of public-sector data custodians in the United Kingdom.
He has published in the fields of socio-legal studies and regulation theory in such journals as the Journal of Social Welfare & Family Law and The Modern Law Review, as well as on the interplay between data protection and human rights law in such journals as the European Data Protection Law Review, the Computer Law & Security Review and International Data Privacy Law.
Stergios has served as a Graduate Teaching Assistant in Human Rights Law at the University of Oxford and has completed studies in socio-legal research [MSt (dist.)] and law (MJur) at the University of Oxford and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece [LLB & LLM in Criminal Law (both dist.)].
June 2020 : Information Law and Policy Blogspot on Covid-19 and the GDPR's aspirations to homogenise EU data protection law.