Sanja Bogojevic

Faculty officer role(s):
Sanja Bogojević is Fellow and Professor of Law at Lady Margaret Hall and the Faculty of Law. Prior to joining Oxford Law Faculty, she was Associate Professor (‘Docent’) of Environmental Law at Lund University, to which she remains affiliated as Visiting Professor.
Bogojević read Law at King’s College London and Passau Universität (LLB with German Law), as well as at the Collège d’Europe (LLM) before completing her DPhil at Corpus Christi College, Oxford. She has held visiting research/teaching positions at various institutions across the globe, including the Max Planck Institute for Collective Goods (Bonn); the New York University School of Law; the University of New South Wales; the UC Berkeley School of Law; Riga Graduate School of Law; the University of Belgrade Law Faculty; the University of Milan; and the European University Institute.
Her research interests lie in Environmental Law and EU Law more broadly. This includes research on the role of markets in environmental law, environmental rights adjudication, and the interlinks between climate action, populism and the rule of law. On the basis of her book, Emissions Trading Schemes: Market, States and Law (Hart/Bloomsbury 2013), she was awarded the 2016 Nils Klim Prize for her 'outstanding contribution to the study of law'. Her work in European law includes Great Debates in EU Law (Blomsbury 2021, with Adams-Prassl), as well as Discretion in EU Public Procurement Law (co-ed, Hart 2019; paperback 2020), Environmental Rights in Europe and Beyond (co-ed, Hart 2018; paperback 2020), and The Internal Market Ideal: Essays in Honour of Stephen Weatherill (co-ed, OUP in 2024).
Bogojević is currently involved in several large-scale research projects, including co-leading legal investigations as part of the UK's national research hub on greenhouse gas removal technologies (funded by UKRI); studying the constitutional implications of emergencies, and foremost the notion of a 'climate emergency' (funded by Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation); and phasing out coal along the Belt and Road (funded by the Research Grant Council of Hong Kong). She is also writing on just transition, and the legal implications of critical minerals mining as a climate action pathway.
She is the General Editor of the Journal of Environmental Law and a member of the Avosetta group of EU environmental law experts. She is also a Board Member of Climate Strategies. She acts as the Faculty Director of the Course on Research Legal Methods, and the Associate Dean for Research, jointly with Jeremias Adams-Prassl.