Samuli Seppänen

Samuli Seppänen is an Associate Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Law, where he has taught courses on comparative law and public international law. He holds an SJD degree from Harvard Law School and an undergraduate law degree from the University of Helsinki, Finland. Samuli’s research focuses on legal and political thought in China and developmental aspects of international law. His book, Ideological Conflict and the Rule of Law in China: Useful Paradoxes (Cambridge University Press, 2016) describes Chinese legal scholars’ attempts to legitimize and subvert China’s state-sanctioned ideology, as well as their efforts to invent new “Chinese” rule of law conceptions. More recently Samuli has studied the role of rule-based governance in the Chinese party-state and Chinese legal development cooperation with developing countries. At the Bonavero Institute, he will work on a manuscript on the globalization of Chinese legal thought.