Ruth Kelly
Fund for Global Human Rights Postdoctoral Fellow, October 2020 to November2021
Ruth Kelly was previously a postdoctoral researcher working on the Symposium on Strength and Solidarity funded by the Fund for Global Human Rights (2020-2021), hosted by the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights.
Ruth is now Lecturer in Politics and the University of Durham.
Kelly R, ‘Re-membering Red Riding Hood: culturally-situated solidarities between Ireland and Uganda’ [2022] Feminist Theory: An International Interdisciplinary Journal
Kelly R, ‘Translating rights and articulating alternatives: rights-based approaches in ActionAid’s work on unpaid care’ (2019) 23(5) The International Journal of Human Rights 862
Flower E and Kelly R, ‘Researching like an artist’, Participatory Arts in International Development (Taylor & Francis 2019)