Raquel da Silva

Raquel da Silva is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow (MSCA-IF) at the Center for International Studies at ISCTE-IUL. Her research explores processes of engagement in and disengagement from violent organisations through the narrative study of the life stories of former militants and their families. She is also interested on the intersection between non-violent and violent activism and on the impact of Preventing/Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) interventions in the life of individuals, groups, and communities. Raquel values creative public engagement and the translation of research into practice and policy. She tweets at @RaquelBPSilva
Research Interests: Terrorism and political violence; Political psychology of radicalisation and deradicalisation; Critical terrorism Studies; Narratives, counter-narratives and life story analysis; Collective memory / politics of memory: Families of prisoners; Dialogical self theory; Creative methods