Peter Watts

Peter Watts QC, FRSNZ is a Senior Research Fellow at Harris Manchester College, and a Fellow of the Commercial Law Centre. He is a specialist in the law of agency, company law, and the law of restitution. His books include P Watts (Gen Ed) and FMB Reynolds, Bowstead & Reynolds on Agency (21st Ed, 2017); P Watts, N Campbell and C Hare, Company Law in New Zealand (2nd ed, 2016); and P Watts, Directors’ Powers and Duties (2nd ed, 2015). He is a barrister and solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand and practises at Bankside Chambers, Auckland, and as a door tenant at Fountain Court Chambers, The Temple, London. He has been a member of the Law Faculty at the University of Auckland since 1985. He teaches in the BA courses in Commercial Law and Company Law.
Further notes can be found on his University of Auckland pages.
Recent publications include:- ‘Lucky Escapes’ (case note of Swynson Ltd v Lowick Rose LLP [2017] UKSC 32), (2017) 133 Law Quarterly Review 542-546
- ‘Some Aspects of the Intersection of the Law of Agency with the Law of Trusts’, in P S Davies and J Penner (eds, 2017), Equity, Trusts and Commerce, 29-50
- ‘The Acts and States of Knowledge of Agents as Factors in Principals’ Restitutionary Liability’, [2017] Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 385-411
- ‘Actual Authority: the Requirement for an Agent Honestly to Believe that an Exercise of Power is in the Principal’s Interests’, [2017] Journal of Business Law 269-281
- ‘The Insolvency of Agents’, (2017) 133 Law Quarterly Review 11-14
- ‘Unjust enrichment—The potion that induces well-meaning sloppiness of thought’, [2016] Current Legal Problems 289-325
- ‘Agents’ Disbursal of Funds in Breach of Instructions’, [2016] Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 118-134
- ‘The Onus of Proof in Restitutionary Claims’, (2016) 132 Law Quarterly Review 11-15