Paul Craig
Emeritus Professor of English Law
Other affiliations
Centre for Competition Law and PolicyBiography
Paul Craig, MA 1973, BCL 1974, Oxon, Gibbs Prize 1972, Henriques Prize 1973, Vinerian Scholar 1974. Professor of English Law since 1998, at St John's College.
Formerly: Professor in Law 1996-1998 Worcester College; Lecturer, Magdalen College, 1974-75, Reader 1991-96.
Craig P, ‘The EU, the Member States and damages liability’ [2024] The Transformation of Private Law – Principles of Contract and Tort As European and International Law: A Liber Amicorum for Mads Andenas 811
Craig P, ‘The politics of constitutional meltdown’ [2023] Research Handbook on the Politics of Constitutional Law 695
Craig P, ‘Foreword’ [2023] Research Handbook on the Enforcement of EU Law xii
Craig P, ‘The rule of law and EU: responsibility, independence and rights’ [2023] The Rule of Law’s Anatomy in the EU 29
Craig P, ‘Natural justice in English administrative law: continuity and change from the 17th century’ [2022] Liber Amicorum Per Marco D’Alberti 3
Craig P, ‘Model Rules on Impact Assessment of Algorithmic Decision-Making Systems used by Public Administration, Report of the European Law Institute’
Craig P, ‘Varying intensity of judicial review: a conceptual analysis’ (2022) 2022(July) Public Law 442
Craig P, ‘Written and unwritten constitutions: the modality of change’ [2022] Pragmatism, Principle, and Power in Common Law Constitutional Systems: Essays in Honour of Bruce Harris 263
Craig P, ‘Judicial Review, Methodology and Reform’ (2022) 2022(1) Public Law 19
Craig P, ‘Institutions, power, and institutional balance’ [2021] The Evolution of EU Law (3rd Edn) 46
Craig P, ‘The internal market: an historical perspective’ [2021] Oxford Principles of European Union Law, Volume II, The Internal Market
Craig P, ‘Judicial review, methodology and reform’ (2021) January 2022(1) Public Law 19
Craig P, ‘Reasonableness, proportionality and general grounds of judicial review: a response’ (2021) 2(2021) Keele Law Review 1
Craig P, ‘Brexit a drama, the endgame - Part II: trade, sovereignty and control’ (2021) 46(April) European Law Review 129
Craig P, ‘Integration, Democracy and Legitimacy’ [2020] The Evolution of EU Law (3rd Edn) 12
CRAIG P, ‘EU Membership: Formal and Substantive Dimensions’ (2020) 22 Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 1
Craig P, ‘Brexit a drama: the endgame - Part I’ (2020) 45(April) European Law Review 163
Craig P, ‘Judicial review and judicial deference’
Craig P, ‘Proportionality and Constitutional Review’ (2020) 3 University of Oxford Human Rights Hub Journal 87
Craig P, ‘The Ratifications of the Withdrawal Agreement: UK and EU Perspectives’ [2020] (5) Brexit Institute Working Paper Series -
Craig P, ‘Response to Loughlin’s Note on Miller/Cherry’ [2020] (Spring) Public Law 282
Craig P, ‘General principles of law: Treaty, historical, and normative foundations’ 25
Craig P, ‘The Supreme Court, Prorogation and Constitutional Principle’
Craig P, ‘English Administrative Law History: Perception and Reality’
Barnard C and Craig P, ‘The future of EU law as a subject in British universities’ (2019) 53(2) The Law Teacher 136
Craig P, ‘Constitutional Principle, the Rule of Law and Political Reality: The European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018’ (2019) 82(2) Modern Law Review 319
Craig P and Markakis M, ‘EMU Reform’
Craig P, ‘Legality, Five Views of the Cathedral’
Craig P, ‘<i>The EU</i>, <i>Democracy and Institutional Structure</i> Past, Present and Future’ (2019) 13 FUTURE OF EUROPE: POLITICAL AND LEGAL INTEGRATION BEYOND BREXIT 37
Craig P, ‘Engagement and Disengagement with International Institutions: The UK Perspective’
Craig P, ‘Taxonomy and Public Law: A Response’
Craig P, ‘Miller, EU Law and the UK’
Craig P, ‘Judicial power, the Judicial Power Project and the UK’ (2017) 36(2) The University of Queensland Law Journal 355
Craig P, ‘Treaty Amendment, the Draft Constitution and European Integration’
Craig P, ‘Comparative Administrative Law and Political Structure’ (2017) 37(4) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 946
Craig P, ‘Book Review: Comparative Administrative Law and Political Structure’
Craig P, ‘The Eurogroup, power and accountability’ (2017) 23(3-4) European Law Journal 234
Craig P, ‘The Process: Brexit and the Anatomy of Article 50’ [2017] Law & Politics of Brexit 49
Craig P, ‘Brexit, A Drama: The Interregnum’ [2017] Yearbook of European Law 1
Craig P, ‘Judicial review of questions of law: a comparative perspective’ [2017] Comparative Administrative Law (Second Edition) 389
Craig P, ‘Transnational Constitution-Making: The Contribution of the Venice Commission on Law and Democracy’ (2017) 2(2) UC Irvine Journal of International, Transnational, and Comparative Law 57
Craig P, ‘Proportionality and judicial review: a UK historical perspective’ [2017] General Principles of Law: European and Comparative Perspectives
Craig P, ‘Miller, Structural Constitutional Review and the Limits of Prerogative Power’ [2017] Public Law
Craig P and Markakis M, ‘The euro area, its regulation and impact on non-euro Member States’ 289
Craig P, ‘The global constitution-making. The role of the Venice Commission’ (2017) 40 TEORIA Y REALIDAD CONSTITUCIONAL 79
Craig P, ‘English Foundations of US Administrative Law: Four Central Errors’ [2016] (3) Oxford Legal Studies Research Paper
Craig P, ‘Brexit: A Drama in Six Acts’ [2016] European Law Review
Craig P, ‘The Legitimacy of US Administrative Law and the Foundations of English Administrative Law: Setting the Historical Record Straight’ [2016] (44) Oxford Legal Studies Research Paper
Craig P and Markakis M, ‘Gauweiler and the Legality of Outright Monetary Transactions’ (2016) 41(1) European Law Review 4
Craig P, ‘Foreword’ [2016] EU Economic Law in a Time of Crisis x
Craig P, ‘Responsibility, Voice and Exit: Britain Alone?’
Craig P, ‘Judicial Review and Anxious Scrutiny: Foundations, Evolution and Application’
Craig, ‘The Financial Crisis, the European Union Institutional Order, and Constitutional Responsibility’ (2015) 22(2) Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 243
Craig P, ‘Economic governance and the Euro crisis: Constitutional architecture and constitutional implications’ 19
Craig P, ‘Comitology, Rulemaking and the Lisbon Settlement: Tensions and Strains’
Craig P, ‘Accountability and Judicial Review in the UK and the EU: Central Precepts’
Craig P, ‘Constitutionalizing Constitutional Law: HS2’ [2014] Public Law
Craig P, ‘The United Kingdom, the European Union and Sovereignty’
Craig P, ‘Pringle and Use of EU Institutions outside the EU Legal Framework: Foundations, Procedure and Substance’ (2013) 9(2) European Constitutional Law Review 263
Craig P, ‘A General Law on Administrative Procedure, Legislative Competence and Judicial Competence’
Craig P, ‘The Nature of Reasonableness Review’ (2013) 66(1) Current Legal Problems 131
Craig P, ‘Review, Risk, Legality and Damages’ (2013) 4(3) European Journal of Risk Regulation 399
Craig P, ‘EU Accession to the ECHR: Competence, Procedure and Substance’’ (2013) 36 Fordham International Law Journal 1115
Craig P, ‘Pringle: Legal Reasoning, Text, Purpose and Teleology’ (2013) 20 Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 3
Craig P, ‘The stability, coordination and governance treaty: Principle, politics and pragmatism’ (2012) 37(3) European Law Review 231
Craig P and de Búrca G, ‘General Editors’ Preface’ [2012] Culture and European Union Law
Craig P, ‘Subsidiarity: A Political and Legal Analysis’ (2012) 50 JCMS-JOURNAL OF COMMON MARKET STUDIES 72
Craig P, ‘Delegated Acts, implementing acts and the new Comitology Regulation’ (2011) 36(5) European Law Review 671
Craig P, ‘The ECJ and ultra vires action: A conceptual analysis’ (2011) 48(2) Common Market Law Review 395
Craig P, ‘Institutions, power and institutional balance’ [2011] The Evolution of EU Law (2nd Edn) 41
Craig P, ‘EU Administrative Law, The Acquis’ [2011] (2) Rivista Italiana Di Diritto Pubblico Communitario 329
Craig P, ‘Political constitutionalism and the judicial role: A response’ (2011) 9(1) International Journal of Constitutional Law 112
Craig P, ‘The European Union Act 2011: Locks, Limits and Legality’ (2011) 48(6) Common Market Law Review 1881
Craig P, ‘Community Administration, History, Typology and Accountability’
Craig P, ‘Proportionality, Rationality and Review’
Craig P, ‘Case C-133/06, European Parliament v. Council (Delegation of legislative power), judgment of the Grand Chamber’ (2009) 46(4) Common Market Law Review 1265
Craig P, ‘Political Constitutionalism and Judicial Review’
Craig P, ‘Competence and Member State Autonomy: Causality, Consequence and Legitimacy’
Craig P, ‘Perspectives on Process: Common Law, Statutory and Political’
Craig P, ‘Legal Control of Regulatory Bodies: Principle, Policy and Teleology’
Craig P, ‘The legal effect of Directives: policy, rules and exceptions’ (2009) 34(3) EUROPEAN LAW REVIEW 349
Craig P, ‘Delegation of Legislative Power’ (2009) 49 Common Market Law Review 1265
Craig P, ‘Shared administration, disbursement of community funds and the regulatory state’ [2009] LEGAL CHALLENGES IN EU ADMINISTRATIVE LAW: TOWARDS AN INTEGRATED ADMINISTRATION 34
Craig P, ‘The Treaty of Lisbon: Process, Architecture and Substance’ (2008) 33 European Law Review 137
Craig P, ‘Regulating the internal market’ (2008) 33(1) EUROPEAN LAW REVIEW 129
Craig P, ‘Equality, Review and the Crown’s Power to Disburse Funds’ (2007) 19 European Review of Public Law 845
Craig P, ‘European Governance: Executive and Administrative Powers under the New Constitutional Settlement’ (2005) 3(2-3) International Journal of Constitutional Law 407
Craig P, ‘Institutional Structure: A Delicate Balance: Articles EC 189ff.; EU 4; Draft Convention I-18 ff.’ (2005) 1(1) European Constitutional Law Review 52
Craig P, ‘Theory, ’Pure Theory’ and Values in Public Law’ [2005] Public Law 440
Craig P, ‘Judicial Review, Appeal and Factual Error’ (2004) (Winter) Public Law 788
Craig P, ‘The Constitutional Treaty: Legislative and Executive Power in the Emerging Constitutional Order’
Craig P, ‘A new framework for eu administration: The financial regulation 2002’ (2004) 68(1) Law and Contemporary Problems 107
Craig P, ‘Constitutional Process and Reform in the EU: Nice, Laeken, the Convention and the IGC’ (2004) 10 European Public Law 653
Craig P, ‘Competence: Clarity, Conferral, Containment and Consideration’ (2004) 29 European Law Review 323
Craig P, ‘Legislative Intent and Legislative Supremacy: A Reply to Professor Allan’ (2004) 24 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 585
Craig P, ‘The Common Law, Shared Power and Judicial Review’ (2004) 24 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 237
Craig P, ‘What Constitution Does Europe Need? The House that Giscard Built: Constitutional Rooms with a View’
Craig P, ‘Standing, Rights and the Structure of Legal Argument’ (2003) 9 European Public Law 493
Craig P, ‘The Community Political Order’ (2003) 10 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 79
Craig P, ‘The Constitutionalisation of Community Administration’ (2003) 28 European Law Review 840
Craig P, ‘The Human Rights Act, Article 6 and Procedural Rights’ [2003] Public Law 753
Craig P, ‘Constitutional Foundations, the Rule of Law and Supremacy’ [2003] Public Law 92
Craig P, ‘Contracting Out, the Human Rights Act and the Scope of Judicial Review’ (2002) 118 Law Quarterly Review 551
Craig P, ‘Constitutions, Constitutionalism, and the European Union’ (2001) 7(2) European Law Journal 125
Craig P, ‘The Courts, the Human Rights Act and Judicial Review’ (2001) 117 Law Quarterly Review 589
Craig P and Bamforth N, ‘Constitutional Analysis, Constitutional Principle and Judicial Review’ [2001] Public Law 763
Craig P, ‘Constitutional and Non-Constitutional Review’ (2001) 54 Current Legal Problems 147
Craig P and Schonberg S, ‘Substantive Legitimate Expectations after Coughlan’’ [2000] PL 684
Craig P, ‘Public Law, Political Theory and Legal Theory’’ [2000] PL 211
Craig P, ‘The fall and renewal of the commission: Accountability, contract and administrative organisation’ (2000) 6(2) European Law Journal 98
Craig P and Fairgrieve D, ‘Barrett, Negligence and Discretionary Powers’’ [1999] PL 626
Craig P and Walters M, ‘The Courts, Devolution and Judicial Review’’ [1999] PL 274
Craig P, ‘Competing Models of Judicial Review’’ [1999] PL 428
Craig P, ‘Ultra Vires and the Foundations of Judicial Review’ (1998) 57(1) The Cambridge Law Journal 63
Craig P, ‘Democracy and Rule‐making Within the EC: An Empirical and Normative Assessment’ (1997) 3(2) European Law Journal 105
Craig P, ‘Laudatio for Professor Sir William Wade’’ (1997) 25 European Review of Public Law 513
Craig P, ‘Directives: Direct Effect, Indirect Effect and the Construction of National Legislation’’ (1997) 22 ELRev 519
Craig P, ‘Towards a Unified Judicial Protection in Europe (?): UK’’ (1997) 25 European Review of Public Law 881
Craig P, ‘Formal and Substantive Conceptions of the Rule of Law: An Analytical Framework’’ [1997] PL 467
Craig P, ‘Once More Unto the Breach: The Community, the State and Damages Liability’’ (1997) 113 LQR 67
Craig P, ‘Substantive Legitimate Expectations in Domestic and Community Law’ (1996) 55(2) The Cambridge Law Journal 289
Craig P, ‘The Road to the 1996 IGC: The Contribution of the ECJ and the CFI’’ [1996] PL 13
Craig P, ‘Substantive Review of Discretion’’ (1996) 20 European Review of Public Law 443
Craig P, ‘Procedures and Administrative Decisionmaking: A Common Law Perspective’’ [1996] (Special) European Review of Public Law 55
Craig P, ‘Legitimate Expectations: A Conceptual Analysis’’ (1995) 108 LQR 79
CRAIG P, ‘Legality, Standing and Substantive Review in Community Law’ (1994) 14(4) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 507
Craig P, ‘Recent Developments in Jurisdictional Control’’ (1994) 11 European Review of Public Law 203
Craig P, ‘Privatization: The UK Experience’’ [1994] (Special) European Review of Public Law 9
Craig P, ‘The common law, reasons and administrative justice’ (1994) 53(2) The Cambridge Law Journal 282
Craig P, ‘Francovich, Remedies and the Scope of Damages Liability’’ (1993) 109 LQR 595
Craig P, ‘Public and Private Procedures’’ (1992) 8 European Review of Public Law 465
CRAIG P, ‘Once upon a Time in the West: Direct Effect and the Federalization of EEC Law’ (1992) 12(4) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 453
Craig P, ‘Constitutions, Property and Regulation’’ [1991] PL 438
Craig P, ‘Administrative Law, Remedies and the EEC’’ (1991) 6 European Review of Public Law 521
Craig P, ‘Sovereignty of the United Kingdom Parliament after Factortame’’ (1991) 11 Yearbook of European Law 221
Craig P, ‘Dicey: Unitary, Self-Correcting Democracy and Public Law’’ (1990) 106 LQR 105
Craig P, ‘Procedures, Rights and Remedies’’ (1990) 4 European Review of Public Law 425
Craig P and Deshpande S, ‘Rights, autonomy and process: Public interest litigation in India’ (1989) 9(3) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 356
Craig P, ‘Bentham, Public Law and Democracy’’ [1989] PL 407
Craig P, ‘Administrative Law’’ (1989) 1 European Review of Public Law 427
Craig P, ‘Compensation in Public Law’’ (1980) 96 LQR 413
Craig P, ‘Free movement under the E.E.C. treaty: Expulsion on grounds of public policy’ (1978) 7(1) Industrial Law Journal 52
Craig P, ‘Negligence in the Exercise of a Statutory Power’’ (1978) 94 LQR 428
Craig P, ‘Representations by Public Bodies’’ (1977) 93 LQR 398
Craig P, ‘Negligent Misstatements, Negligent Acts and Economic Loss’’ (1976) 92 LQR 213
Craig P, ‘Redundancy payments-meaning of redundancy’ (1974) 3(1) Industrial Law Journal 108
‘Miller, structural constitutional review and the limits of prerogative power’ [2017] Public Law
Craig P, English administrative law from 1550: Continuity and change (2024) 1
Craig P, Administrative Law (Sweet & Maxwell 2021)
Craig P and de Búrca G, The Evolution of EU Law: Third Edition (2021) 1
Craig P and de Burca G, EU Law, Text, Cases and Materials (Oxford University Press 2020)
Craig P and others, ReNEUAL Model Rules on EU Administrative Procedure (Oxford University Press 2017)
Craig P, Administrative Law (Sweet & Maxwell 2016)
Craig P and de Burca G, EU Law, Text, Cases and Materials (Oxford University Press 2015)
Craig P and Tomkins A, The Executive and Public Law: Power and Accountability in Comparative Perspective (2012) 1
Craig P, EU Administrative Law (OUP 2012) 777
Craig P and de Burca G, EU Law, Text, Cases and Materials (OUP 2011) 1155
Craig P, The Lisbon Treaty (Oxford University Press (OUP) 2010)
Freedland M and others, Public Employment Services and European Law (2009) 1
Craig P and de Burca G, EU Law, Text, Cases and Materials (Oxford University Press 2008)
Craig P and Tomkins A, The Executive and Public Law: Power and Accountability in Comparative Perspective (Oxford University Press 2005) 355
Craig P, Administrative Law (Sweet & Maxwell 2003)
Craig P and Rawlings R, Law and Administration in Europe: Essays in Honour of Carol Harlow (Oxford University Press 2003) 295
Craig P and de Burca G, EU Law, Text, Cases and Materials, 3rd ed. (Oxford University Press 2003) 1241
Craig P and de Burca G, EU Law, Text, Cases and Materials (Oxford University Press 2000)
Craig P, Administrative Law (1999)
Craig P and de Burca G, EC Law, Text, Cases and Materials (Oxford University Press 1995)
Craig P, Administrative Law (Sweet & Maxwell 1994)
Craig P, Public Law and Democracy in the United Kingdom and the United States of America (Oxford University Press 1990)
Craig P, Administrative Law (Sweet & Maxwell 1989)
Craig P, Administrative Law (Sweet & Maxwell 1983)
Craig P, ‘Legal Structure, Rights and Enforceability’ in C McCrudden (ed.), The Law and Practice of the Northern Ireland Protocol (Cambridge University Press 2022)
Craig P, ‘The Principle of Legality’ in P Cane and others (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Administrative Law (Oxford University Press 2021)
Craig P, ‘Article 41’ in S Peers and others (eds.), The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, A Commentary (Hart 2021)
Craig P, ‘The Rule of Law: National, International and Regional Dimensions’ in B Faedda (ed.), The Rule of Law: Cases, Strategies and Interpretations (RES, The Italian Academy Columbia University 2021)
Craig P and de Burca G, ‘Introduction’ in P Craig and G de Burca (eds.), The Evolution of EU Law (Oxford University Press 2021)
Craig P, ‘Constitutionality, Convention and Prorogation .’ in D Clarry (ed.), The UK Supreme Court Yearbook, Volume 10: 2018–2019 Legal Year (Appellate Press 2021)
Craig P, ‘United Kingdom’, EMU Integration and Member States’ Constitutions (2021)
Craig P, ‘EU Law and UK Law’, Tort Liability of Public Authorities in European Laws (Oxford University Press (OUP) 2020)
Craig P, ‘Transnational Constitution-Making: The Contribution of the Venice Commission to Law and Democracy’ in G Della Cananea and M Conticelli (eds.), Rule of Law and Administrative Due Process in Europe, Trends and Challenges (Editoriale Scientifica 2020)
Craig P, ‘The ratifications’ in F Fabbrini (ed.), The Law & Politics of Brexit: Volume II: The Withdrawal Agreement (Oxford University Press 2020)
Craig P, ‘Six Dimensions of Public Law: Pressure-Testing the UK and EU Systems’ in E Fisher, J King and A Young (eds.), The Foundations and Future of Public Law (Oxford University Press 2020)
Craig P, ‘Constitutional Identity in the UK: An Evolving Concept’ in C Calliess and G van der Schyff (eds.), Constitutional Identity in a Europe of Multilevel Constitutionalism (Cambridge University Press 2019)
CRAIG P, ‘The EU, democracy and institutional structure: Past, present and future’ in W Heusel and JP Rageade (eds.), The Authority of EU Law (Springer 2019)
Craig P, ‘Brexit and the UK Constitution’ in J Jowell and C O’Cinneide (eds.), The Changing Constitution (Oxford University Press 2019)
Craig P, ‘Constitutional identity in the United Kingdom: An evolving concept’, Constitutional Identity in a Europe of Multilevel Constitutionalism (2019)
Craig P, ‘Delegated and Implementing Acts’ in R Schutze and T Tridimas (eds.), Oxford Principles of European Union Law, Volume I: The European Union Legal Order (Oxford University Press 2018)
Craig R and Craig P, ‘Pertinent issues of judicial accountability in EU shared enforcement’, Law Enforcement by EU Authorities: Implications for Political and Judicial Accountability (2017)
Craig P, ‘The process: Brexit and the anatomy of article 50’ in F Fabbrini (ed.), The Law & Politics of Brexit (Oxford University Press 2017)
Craig P, ‘Proportionality and Judicial Review: A UK Historical Perspective’ in S Weatherill and S Vogenauer (eds.), General Principles of Law, European and Comparative Perspectives (Hart Publishing 2017)
Craig P, ‘Brexit and Relations between the UK and the EU’, The UK after Brexit, Legal and Policy Challenges (Intersentia 2017)
Craig P, ‘Formal and substantive conceptions of the rule of law: an analytical framework’ in R Bellamy (ed.), The Rule of Law and the Separation of Powers (Routledge 2017)
Craig P, ‘Miller, the Legislature and the Executive’ in M Sunkin and S Juss (eds.), Landmark Cases in Public Law (Hart Publishing 2017)
Craig P, ‘The Constitutional Value of Sunset Clauses An historical and normative analysis Preface’, CONSTITUTIONAL VALUE OF SUNSET CLAUSES: AN HISTORICAL AND NORMATIVE ANALYSIS (2017)
Craig P, ‘Epilogue: Miller, the Legislature and the Executive’, Landmark Cases in Public Law (2017)
Craig P, ‘EU competences’ in A Södersten and D Patterson (eds.), A Companion to European Union Law and International Law (Wiley-Blackwell 2016)
Craig P, ‘Global Networks and Shared Administration’, Research Handbook on Global Administrative Law (Edward Elgar Publishing 2016)
Craig P, ‘‘Limits of Law: Reflections from Private and Public Law’’ in N Barber, R Ekins and P Yowell (eds.), Lord Sumption and the Limits of Law (Hart Publishing 2016)
Craig P, ‘Comitology, Rulemaking and the Lisbon Settlement: Tensions and Strains’ in C-F Bergstrom and D Ritleng (eds.), Rulemaking by the European Commission (Oxford University Press 2015)
Craig P, ‘Sfide sostanziale e procedurali del diritto amministrativo europe’ in L de Lucia and B Marchetti (eds.), L’amministrazione europea e le sue regole (Il Mulino 2015)
Craig P, ‘Accountability’ in A Arnull and D Chalmers (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of European Union Law (Oxford University Press 2015)
Craig P, ‘The Financial Crisis, the EU Institutional Order and Constitutional Responsibility’ in F Fabbrini, E Hirsch Ballin and H Somsen (eds.), What Form of Government for the European Union and the Eurozone? (Hart 2015)
Craig P, ‘Britain in the European Union’ in J Jowell, D Oliver and C O’Cinneide (eds.), The Changing Constitution (Oxford University Press 2015)
Craig P, ‘Public Law and Public Laws’’ in M Elliott and D Feldman (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Public Law (Cambridge University Press 2015)
Craig P, ‘Development of the EU’ in C Barnard and S Peers (eds.), European Union Law (Oxford University Press 2014)
Craig P, ‘Article 41’ in S Peers and others (eds.), The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, A Commentary (Hart Publishing 2014)
Craig P, ‘Administrative law in the Anglo-American tradition’ in BG Peters and J Pierre (eds.), Handbook of Public Administration: Concise Paperback Edition (SAGE Publications 2013)
Craig P, ‘EU Administrative Law and Tradition’ in M Ruffert (ed.), Administrative Law in Europe: Between Common Principles and National Traditions (Europa Law Publishing 2013)
Craig P, ‘The Charter, the ECJ and national courts’ in D Ashiagbor, N Countouris and I Lianos (eds.), The European Union after the Treaty of Lisbon (Cambridge University Press 2012)
Craig P, ‘Shared Administration and Networks: Global and EU Perspectives’ in G Anthony and others (eds.), Values in Global Administrative Law, Essays in Honour of Spyridon Flogaitis and Gerard Timsit (Hart Publishing 2011)
Craig P and de Burca G, ‘Introduction’ in P Craig and G de Burca (eds.), The Evolution of EU Law (Oxford University Press 2011)
Craig P, ‘Judicial Review of Questions of Law: A Comparative Perspective’ in S Rose-Ackerman and P Lindseth (eds.), Comparative Administrative Law (Edward Elgar 2011)
Craig P, ‘Britain in the European Union’ in J Jowell and D Oliver (eds.), The Changing Constitution (Oxford University Press 2011)
Craig P, ‘Legitimacy in Administrative Law: European Union’ in M Ruffert (ed.), Legitimacy in European Administrative Law: Reform and Reconstruction (Europa Law Publishing 2011)
Craig P, ‘The President of the European Council’ in JM Beneyto and I Pernice (eds.), Europe’s Constitutional Challenges in the Light of the Recent Case Law of National Constitutional Courts, Lisbon and Beyon (Nomos 2011)
Craig P and Trybus M, ‘England and Wales’ in R Noguellou and U Stelkens (eds.), Comparative Law on Public Contracts (2010)
Craig P, ‘Specific Powers of Public Contractors’ in R Noguellou and U Stelkens (eds.), Comparative Law on Public Contracts (Bruylant 2010)
Craig P, ‘Coping with Numbers, Voting, Enhanced Cooperation and Amendment’ in H Koch and others (eds.), Europe, The New Legal Realism (Djof Publishing 2010)
Craig P, ‘Sovereignty and the EU: The UK Perspective and Primacy Clauses’ in L Tichy and T Dumbrovsky (eds.), Sovereignty and Integration, Paradoxes and Development within Europe Today (Centre for Comparative Law, Law Faculty of Charles University in Prague 2010)
Craig P, ‘The Classics of EU Law Revisited: CILFIT and Foto-Frost’ in M Poiares Maduro and L Azoulai (eds.), The Past and Future of EU Law (Hart Publishing 2010)
Craig P, ‘Substance and Procedure in Judicial Review’, Tom Bingham and the Transformation of the Law: A Liber Amicorum (2009)
Craig P, ‘Administrative Law’, The Judicial House of Lords 1876-2009 (2009)
Craig P, ‘The Detailed Mandate and the Future Methods of Interpretation of the Treaties’ in I Pernice and E Tanchev (eds.), Ceci n’est pas une Constitution – Constitutionalisation without a Constitution? (Nomos 2009)
Craig P, ‘Fundamental Principles of Administrative Law’ in D Feldman (ed.), English Public Law (Oxford University Press 2009)
Craig P, ‘Grounds for Judicial Review: Substantive Control over Discretion’ in D Feldman (ed.), English Public Law (Oxford University Press 2009)
Craig P, ‘Shared Administration, Disbursement of Community Funds and the Regulatory State’ in H C, Hofmann and A H. Turk (eds.), Legal Challenges in EU Administrative Law, Towards an Integrated Administration (Edward Elgar 2009)
Craig P, ‘Access to Mechanisms of Administrative Law’ in D Feldman (ed.), English Public Law (Oxford University Press 2009)
Craig P, ‘Executive Accountability and the Contestability of the Executive Domai’ in L Verhey, P Kiiver and S Loeffen (eds.), Political Accountability and European Integration (2009)
Craig P, ‘Fundamental Rights’ in P Moser and K Sawyer (eds.), Making Community Law, The Legacy of Advocate General Jacobs at the European Court of Justice (Edward Elgar 2008)
Craig P, ‘Process Rights in Adjudication and Rulemaking: Legal and Political Perspectives’’ in J Ziller (ed.), What’s New in European Administrative Law (EUI Working Paper 2008)
Craig P, ‘The Administrative System and Administrative Law Principle in the UK’ in HH Trute and others (eds.), Allgemeines Verwaltungsrecht – zur Tragfahigkeit eines Konzepts (2008)
Craig P, ‘Multilevel Governance and Accountability in the EU’ in P Pavlopoulos and S Flogaitis (eds.), Multilevel Governance and Administrative Reform in the 21st Century (Nomos 2008)
Craig P, ‘The Role of the European Parliament under the Lisbon Treaty’, The Lisbon Treaty (Springer Nature 2008)
Craig P, ‘Process and substance in judicial review’, Inside and Outside Canadian Administrative Law: Essays in Honour of David Mullan (2006)
Craig P, ‘The Constitutional Treaty and Sovereignty’’ in C Kaddous and A Auer (eds.), Les Principes Fondamentaux de la Constitution Europeene/The Fundamental Principles of the European Constitution (Helbing & Lictenhahn/Bruylan/LGDJ; Basle, Geneva, Munich/Bruxelles/Paris 2006)
Craig P, ‘The locus and accountability of the executive in the European Union’ in P Craig and A Tomkins (eds.), The Executive and Public Law: Power and Accountability in Comparative Perspective (Oxford University Press 2005)
Craig P and Tomkins A, ‘Introduction’ in P Craig and A Tomkins (eds.), The Executive and Public Law: Power and Accountability in Comparative Perspective (Oxford University Press 2005)
Craig P, ‘The Hierarchy of Norms’ in T Tridimas (ed.), EU Law for the Twenty-First Century, Volume I (Hart Publishing 2004)
Craig P, ‘The ECJ, National Courts and the Supremacy of Community Law’’ in R Miccu and I Pernice (eds.), The European Constitution in the Making (Nomos 2004)
Craig P, ‘Some Thoughts on the Role of the European Council’’, The Government of Europe: Which Institutional Design for the European Union? (Nomos 2004)
Craig P, ‘European Governance: Executive and Administrative Powers under the New Constitutional Settlement’’ in J Weiler and Eisgruber (eds.), Altneuland: The EU Constitution in a Contextual Perspective (Jean Monnet Working Paper 2004)
Craig P, ‘Britain in the European Union’ in J Jowell and D Oliver (eds.), The Changing Constitution, 5th edn. (Oxford University Press 2004)
Craig P, ‘Fundamental Principles of Administrative Law’ in D Feldman (ed.), English Public Law (Oxford University Press 2004)
Craig P, ‘Grounds for Judicial Review: Substantive Control over Discretion’ in D Feldman (ed.), English Public Law (Oxford University Press 2004)
Craig P, ‘Access to Mechanisms of Administrative Law’ in D Feldman (ed.), English Public Law (Oxford University Press 2004)
Craig P, ‘Judicial Review, Intensity and Deference in EU Law’ in D Dyzenhaus (ed.), The Unity of Public Law (Hart Publishing 2004)
Craig P, ‘National Courts and Community Law’, Governing Europe (Oxford University Press (OUP) 2003)
Craig P, ‘Administrative Law in the Anglo-American Tradition’ in G Peters and J Pierre (eds.), Handbook of Public Administration (Sage 2003)
Craig P, ‘Theory and Values in Public Law: A Response’ in P Craig and R Rawlings (eds.), Law and Administration in Europe: Essays in Honour of Carol Harlow (Oxford University Press 2003)
Craig P, ‘Administrative Permits: The Position in the UK’’ in I Gebhardt and G Zhixin (eds.), Systems of Administrative Law: Comparative Essays (2002)
Craig P, ‘The Evolution of the Single Market’ in C Barnard and J Scott (eds.), The Law of the Single European Market, Unpacking the Premises (Hart Publishing 2002)
Craig P, ‘Jurisdiction of the Community Courts Reconsidered’ in G de Burca and J Weiler (eds.), The European Court of Justice (Oxford University Press 2001)
Craig P, ‘Contract, Public Law and Accountability’’ in F Rose (ed.), Lex Mercatoria, Essays on International Commercial Law in Honour of Francis Reynolds (Oxford University Press 2000)
Craig P, ‘Three Perspectives on the Relationship between Administrative Justice and Administrative Law’’ in R Creyke and J McMillan (eds.), Administrative Justice – The Core and the Fringe (2000)
Craig P, ‘Constitutionalism, Regulation and Review’’ in R Hazell (ed.), Constitutional Futures, A History of the Next Ten Years (Hart 1999)
Craig P, ‘The European Community, the Crown and the State’’ in M Sunkin and S Payne (eds.), The Nature of the Crown, A Legal and Political Analysis (Oxford University Press 1999)
Craig P, ‘EMU, the European Central Bank and Judicial Review’’ in P Beaumont and N Walker (eds.), Legal Framework of the Single European Currency (Hart 1999)
Craig P, ‘The Nature of the Community: Integration, Democracy and Legitimacy’’ in P Craig and G de Burca (eds.), The Evolution of EU Law (Oxford University Press 1999)
Craig P, ‘Unreasonableness and Proportionality in UK Law’’ in E Ellis (ed.), The Principle of Proportionality in the Laws of Europe (Hart 1999)
Craig P, ‘The Domestic Liability of Public Authorities in Damages: Lessons from the EC?’’ in J Beatson and T Tridimas (eds.), New Directions in European Public Law (Hart 1998)
Craig P, ‘Indirect Effect of Directives in the Application of National Legislation’’ in E M and F Jacobs (eds.), European Community Law in the English Courts (Hart 1998)
Craig P, ‘Regulation and Judicial Review: Perspectives from UK and EC Law’’ in C McCrudden (ed.), Regulation and Deregulation: Policy and Practice in the Utilities and Financial Services Industries (Oxford University Press 1998)
Craig P, ‘Substantive Legitimate Expectations and the Principles of Judicial Review’’ in E M (ed.), English Public Law and the Common Law of Europe (Key Haven 1998)
Craig P, ‘Prerogative, Precedent and Power’’ in C Forsyth and I Hare (eds.), The Golden Metwand and the Crooked Cord, Essays in Honour of Sir William Wade (Oxford University Press 1998)
Craig P, ‘Report on the United Kingdom’’ in A-M Slaughter, A Stone Sweet and J Weiler (eds.), The European Courts and National Courts, Doctrine and Jurisprudence (Hart 1998)
Craig P, ‘Public Law and Control over Private Power’,’ in M Taggart (ed.), The Province of Administrative Law (Hart 1997)
Craig P, ‘The Impact of Community law on Domestic Public Law’’ in P Leyland and T Wood (eds.), Administrative Law Facing the Future: Old Constraints and New Horizons (Blackstone 1997)
Craig P, ‘Legislation, Regulation and Judicial Review’’ in B Markesinis (ed.), Law Making, Law Finding and Law Shaping, The Diverse Influences (Oxford University Press 1997)
Craig P, ‘What is Public Power’’ in H Corder and T Maluwa (eds.), Administrative Justice in Southern Africa (1997)
Craig P, ‘Contract, Government and Community Law’’ in F Rose (ed.), Consensus Ad Idem (Sweet & Maxwell 1996)
Craig P, ‘Jurisdiction, Judicial Control and Agency Autonomy’’ in I Loveland (ed.), A Special Relationship, American Influences on Public Law in the UK (Oxford University Press 1995)
Craig P, ‘Public Law, Sovereignty and Citizenship’’ in R Blackburn (ed.), Rights of Citizenship (Sweet & Maxwell 1993)
Craig P, ‘The Impact of Europe’’ in P Birks (ed.), Examining the Law Syllabus (Oxford University Press 1992)
Craig P, ‘The Monopolies and Mergers Commission: Competition and Administrative Rationality’’ in R Baldwin and C McCrudden (eds.), Regulation and Public Law (Weidenfeld and Nicolson 1987)
Craig P, ‘Discretionary Power in Modern Administration’’ in M Bullinger (ed.), Verwaltungsermessen im Modernen Staat (Nomos 1986)
Craig P, ‘Competition Law 1975’, Annual Survey of Commonwealth Law (Oxford University Press 1976)
CRAIG P, ‘The EU, democracy and institutional structure: past, present and future’ in W Heusel and JP Rageade (eds.), The Authority of EU Law (Springer)
Craig P and de Burca G, The Evolution of EU Law (Oxford University Press 2021)
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Craig P and Tomkins A, The Executive and Public Law: Power and Accountability in Comparative Perspective (Oxford University Press (OUP) 2005)
Craig P and Rawlings R, Law and Administration in Europe: Essays in Honour of Carol Harlow (Oxford University Press 2003)
Craig P and de Burca G, The Evolution EU Law (Oxford University Press 1999)
Craig P and Harlow C, Lawmaking in the European Union (Kluwer 1998)
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Craig P, ‘Brexit: What next? Brexit: A drama in six acts’ (2016) 41(4) European Law Review 447 (review)
Craig P, ‘Pringle and the Nature of Legal Reasoning’ (2014) 21(1) Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 205 (review)
Craig P, ‘Two-Speed, Multi-Speed and Europe’s Future: A Review of Jean-Claude Piris on <i>The Future of Europe</i>’ (2012) 37(6) EUROPEAN LAW REVIEW 800 (review)
Craig P, ‘A Arnull, P Eeckhout and T Trdimas (eds), Continuity and Change in EU Law, Essays in Honour of Sir Francis Jacobs’ [2009] PL 417 (review)
Craig P, ‘G Anthony, UK Public Law and European Law: The Dynamics of Legal Integration [2003] PL 566’ [2003] PL 566 (review)
Craig P, ‘K Hawkins (ed), The Uses of Discretion’ (1995) 58 MLR 274 (review)
Craig P, ‘C Lewis, Judicial Remedies in Public Law’ (1994) 110 LQR 147 (review)
Craig P, ‘M Supperstone and J Goudie (eds), Judicial Review’ (1994) 5 King’s College LJ 204 (review)
Craig P, ‘M Loughlin, Public Law and Political Theory’ (1993) 13 Legal Studies 275 (review)
Craig P, ‘What should public lawyers do? a reply’ (1992) 12(4) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 564 (review)
Craig P, ‘HG Schermers et al, Non-Contractual Liability of the European Communities’ (1989) 9 Yearbook of European Law 451 (review)
Craig P, ‘Institutional Structure: A Delicate Balance’’ (2005) 1 ECLRev 52 (case-note)
Craig P, ‘Pouvoir Executif et Pouvoir Legislatif au Royaume-Uni’’ [2005] Les Cahiers Du Conseil Constitutionnel 101 (case-note)
Craig P, ‘The Treaty of Amsterdam: A Brief Guide’’ [1998] PL 351 (case-note)
Craig P, ‘Collateral Attack, Prosecutions and Judicial Review’’ (1997) 113 LQR 521 (case-note)
Craig P, ‘Proceeding Outside Order 53: A Modified Test?’’ (1996) 112 LQR 531 (case-note)
Craig P, ‘Reasons and Administrative Justice’’ (1994) 110 LQR 12 (case-note)
Craig P, ‘Ministers, the Crown and Contempt’’ (1993) 2(4) Parliamentary Brief 58 (case-note)
Craig P, ‘Negligence, Discretionary Power and the Privy Council’’ (1988) 104 LQR 185 (case-note)
Craig P, ‘Organisational Rights’ (1974)’ (1976) 3 ILJ 52 (case-note)
Craig P, ‘Redundancy Payments’ (1974)’ (1976) 3 ILJ 108 (case-note)
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Craig P, ‘Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance’ (2000)
Craig P, ‘European Union Act’ (2000)
Craig P, ‘The European Court and National Courts-Doctrine and Jurisprudence: Legal Change in its Social Context’,’ (European University Institute Working Paper, RSC No. 95/29 1995)