Patricia Cipollitti

Patricia Elena Cipollitti is a candidate for the BPhil master’s degree in Philosophy. Her research draws on human rights scholarship to articulate responsibilities for structural injustice. She is particularly interested in addressing systematic disadvantage embedded in globalized economic processes. Within philosophy, Patricia’s areas of interest include social and political philosophy, normative and applied ethics, and metaethics.
Prior to Oxford, Patricia was a national co-coordinator at the Alliance for Fair Food, where she mobilized U.S. civil society in support of agricultural workers’ human rights via the Coalition of Immokalee Workers’s UN-recognized Fair Food Program. In this capacity, she gained first-hand insight into the Fair Food Program’s innovative, radically effective model of Worker-driven Social Responsibility (WSR). As part of her broader interest in corporate accountability, Patricia studies law and policy approaches to securing enforceable human rights in global supply chains.
Patricia holds a bachelor’s degree in International Political Economy and Philosophy from Georgetown University, where she was awarded the Stephen McNamee Award in philosophical ethics.