Mike Macnair

Mike Macnair was from 2000-2022 Ann Smart Tutorial Fellow in Law at St Hugh's College; and having retired from that post, is now a Fellow by Resolution of St Hugh's.
Mike’s interests are primarily in legal history: particularly the history of equity, that of procedure, and historical relations between the common law and civil law tradition. He also has an interest in Marxist theory and its application to understanding law (in the sense of legal doctrine) as a social and historical phenomenon, and the ‘limits of law’. ‘Doing law’ without a sense of its history is in his opinion like trying to live without a long-term memory.
He is currently working, with several colleagues, on Volume IX of the Oxford History of the Laws of England, covering the period 1689-1760.
Mike teaches legal history at undergraduate level (History of English Law) and masters’ level (BCL/MJur Law and Society in Medieval England, and BCL/MJur Roman and Civilian Law of Contracts); and gives tutorials in Roman Introduction to Private Law. He has supervised D.Phil, M.St., and BCL/MJur theses in legal-historical topics.