Mihika Poddar
Other affiliations
Oxford Pro Bono Publico University College Oxford Human Rights Hub Feminist Jurisprudence Discussion Group
Mihika is a DPhil candidate in law at the University of Oxford. She is undertaking research supervised by Kate O’Regan and Barbara Havelkova on legal recognition of personal identities, including race, sex/gender and caste. Mihika completed the MPhil in Law in 2021 working on legal regulation of gender identity, and obtained the Bachelor of Civil Law (BCL) with Distinction on a Rhodes Scholarhsip. She was awarded the Law Faculty Prize in Comparative Equality Law in 2020. Mihika is also a qualified Indian lawyer and university medallist from the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, India, where she completed her B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) in 2019.
Mihika is the graduate teaching assistant and tutor (Mansfield College, New College) for Criminal Law, and has been the graduate teaching assistant and tutor for Feminist Perspectives in Law. She is co-convenor of the Feminist Jurisprudence Discussion Group, and a blog editor for the Oxford Human Rights Hub, as well as the faculty's Family and Medical Law blog. She previously served as co-chair of the Oxford Pro Bono Publico.