Melanie Schneider

DPhil Law


Melanie Schneider is a DPhil candidate in Law at the University of Oxford, researching the role of international law in shaping domestic energy security. Her work examines the intersection of international environmental law, trade and investment law, and armed conflict regulations. She is supervised by Professor Dan Sarooshi KC and is a Graduate Research Resident at the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights. She is also a Lab Fellow at the Oxford SDG Impact Lab. 

Melanie holds an LL.M. in International and European law from the University of Amsterdam, where she graduated cum laude. Before coming to Oxford, she gained experience at several leading research institutes, including T.M.C Asser Institute, where she worked on access to justice and arms trade regulations, and the Institute of Statelessness and Inclusion, where she contributed to human rights advocacy before international bodies. She has also worked as a legal advisor at the Amsterdam International Law Clinic, focusing on international human rights and criminal law. 

At Oxford, Melanie serves as Deputy Chairperson of Oxford Pro Bono Publico, leading research projects on human rights and public international law. She has also taught law and politics at the Oxford Royale Academy. Her research interests include international economic law, international environmental law, international human rights law, and energy governance.