Marcelo Lozada Gomez

Marcelo Lozada Gomez is a DPhil candidate in Law at the University of Oxford, affiliated to St. Antony's College. Under the supervision of Professor Liz Fisher, his research focuses on climate change in constitutional adjudication. It aims to offer a comparative analysis of the legal questions raised by climate change and the way it challenges traditional understandings of constitutional doctrines of adjudication.
Prior to joining Oxford, Marcelo completed his LLB at Externado University (Colombia), a LLM at the University Pompeu Fabra (Spain), and a MPP at the Hertie School (Germany). Additionally, he has been a lecturer in constitutional law and fundamental rights in Colombia and Spain for almost three years.
His main research interests include comparative constitutional law, climate change law, and public law more generally. He has published several articles in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters in edited collections in both English and Spain.