Maggy Lee

Maggy is Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Hong Kong and Visiting Fellow in the Department of Sociology at the University of Essex, UK. She has published widely on migration and human trafficking. Her publications include: Trafficking and Global Crime Control (Sage, 2011), Human Trafficking (Willan, 2007), ‘‘Human Trafficking and Border Control in the Global South’ in Aas and Bosworth (eds), The Borders of Punishment (Oxford University Press, 2013), and ‘Women’s imprisonment as a mechanism of migration control in Hong Kong’, British Journal of Criminology, 2007. She is currently working on research projects on ‘British and Asian Lifestyle Migrants’ (funded by the ESRC/Hong Kong Research Grants Council), ‘Female Transnational Professionals in Hong Kong’ (funded by the HK Central Policy Unit), and ‘Fear of crime and trust in crime control in Hong Kong’ (with M. Adorjan, funded by the HK Research Grants Council).