Luca Zambelli

Luca Zambelli is an Academic Visitor at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies for Trinity term 2022. He is finishing is fully funded Ph.D. in Public Law at University of Bologna, where he works as Assistant Professor in Sport Law, and he is appointed “Subject Expert” in Health Law and Private Law and Sport Management. He holds a Master’s degree in Law, and he has an interdisciplinary background, structured after following several training courses and seminars in different fields. Luca is a member of the editorial board of an international scientific journal “Diritto dello sport” which publishes studies onto Sport Law and motor activities legal framework.
He is author of over 15 publications concerning law in sport, health, and physical exercise, within articles, book chapters and a monography (in press 2022) “Sport and motor activities law. The Italian system toward a reformation”. He also publishes articles in Health Law focused onto ethical issues as relationship between medical doctors and patients.
He is currently developing a project in law and well-being about sports associations and their links with the territory. His study can be positioned into Socio-Legal field because it focuses on partnerships between sport associations as intermediate bodies between citizens and the public health system.
As a matter of fact, the corporate world might be a great partner of the administration in order to lead a transition from the actual system to a new planning of well-being, given that the companies could sign partnerships with sports clubs and provide their workers and employees with some services, such as classic sport courses also for their families (above all for kids), and new ones like education to ethics, sustainability and nutrition through the sport activity. In this way it would be possible promote concretely a heathy lifestyle savings on health care costs.
In addition, Luca is a member of one of the legislative committees of the Italian Football Association (FIGC-LND), and he is also an Attorney at Law, a member of Bologna’s Bar Association.