Loveday Liu

Loveday is a DPhil candidate at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies. Her doctoral research looks at how Chinese laws and policies on rural modernisation influence the personal experiences and social perception of peasant identies. Her ethnographic fieldwork takes place in a high-profile agricultural 'Dragon Head Enterprise', namely a government-recognised company of leading market position and close connections with peasants.
Loveday completed her Bachelor of Laws (declared minor in Chinese Studies) and Postgraduate Certificate of Laws at the University of Hong Kong. She read MSc China in Comparative Perspective (with distinction) at LSE, awarded the 2016-2017 Fei Xiaotong Prize.
Prior to joining CSLS, Loveday practised at K&L Gates (Hong Kong) and focused on commercial dispute resolution. From 2016 to 2019, Loveday was involved as a part-time researcher in research and publication projects of the Academy of Judicial Decisions of the Chinese Supreme People's Court. With her general research interest in the intersectional social inequalities in contemporary China, Loveday has written on different topics in both English and Chinese, including regulation of religion and sexual violence.