Kriangsak Kittichaisaree

Kriangsak Kittichaisaree, Ph.D. (Cantab), is a Judge of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. He has served as a member of the UN International Law Commission, Chairman of the Working Group on the Administration of Justice at the UN, President of the 25th Meeting of States Parties to the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, and is a Conciliator under Annex V as well as an Arbitrator under Annex VII to the 1982 Convention.
International human rights law was the focus of his LL.M. studies at Harvard Law School. A career diplomat until his election to the Tribunal, he has served as Thailand’s Ambassador to Iran, Australia, and the Russian Federation. As Director-General of the Department of International Organizations, he was in charge of international human rights and UN issues.
He has taught courses on public international law at the University of New South Wales, National University of Singapore, and Duke University’s Asia-America Institute in Transnational Law. His publications include International Criminal Law (OUP 2001); Public International Law of Cyberspace (Springer 2017) (with more than 100 pages on human rights in cyberspace); and The Obligation to Extradite or Prosecute (OUP, March 2018). He was a member of the International Group of Experts of the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence that authored The Tallinn Manual 2.0 on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Operations (CUP 2017).
While in residence at the Bonavero Institute, he will work on a book manuscript on the practical reform of international mechanisms to achieve more effective protection of human rights as well as more effective prevention and punishment of atrocities, drawing on his past experience and interaction with various stakeholders.
Kriangsak Kittichaisaree has also been appointed as Visiting Fellow of Mansfield College during his visit to Oxford.