Julieta Marotta


Julieta Marotta is an assistant professor at Maastricht University, United Nations University-MERIT (The Netherlands). Julieta holds an LLB degree from the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina), an LLM degree from Louisiana State University (US), and a PhD from Maastricht University. Her dissertation dealt with access to justice and legal empowerment of victims of domestic violence. Julieta is a member of the Socio-Legal Studies Community. Her research interest is in inclusive forms of access to justice and legal empowerment through qualitative research. She undertook fieldwork on access to justice in Argentina, Australia, Canada, France, and the US. Julieta was a visiting researcher at the National Centre for Access to Justice at Fordham Law School (US) and a visiting researcher at OƱati International Institute for the Sociology of Law (Spain). Currently, she is researching on access to justice for institutionalized adolescents, and, through participatory methods, she collected empirical data on how institutionalized adolescents perceive their right to be heard and participate in the legal process. This research project is done together with scholars from the University of Buenos Aires and was awarded a grant by the Children's Rights Research Fund of Maastricht University.

Research projects & programmes

Centre for Socio-Legal Studies