Jeffrey Wool

Senior Research Fellow, Harris Manchester College


Jeffrey Wool is a senior research fellow at Harris Manchester College, Oxford, a Fellow at the Commercial Law Centre, and an affiliate member of the Law Faculty, University of Oxford. Jeffrey was the second instructor (following, and then jointly with, Prof. Roy Goode) of the now globally-instructed course, transnational commercial law (exploring its phenomenon, dynamics, and elements). He then led the initial development of its course materials and was key to its advancement. He is a senior advisor to UNIDROIT and president of the UNIDROIT Foundation. He was Condon-Falknor Professor of Global Business Law at the University of Washington School of Law from 2011-2019, where he was the founding co-director of its global business law institute and developed a new course on international business compliance (providing a conceptual framework and apply it to main compliance-topics).

Jeffrey Wool is the secretary general of the Aviation Working Group, a not-for-profit international industry group that works on the development of policies, regulations and rules designed to facilitate advanced international aviation financing and leasing. Jeffrey acts in that capacity on secondment from Blakes, a leading international law firm. Jeffrey coordinates all AWG activity and has since its inception in 1994.

On behalf of AWG, Jeffrey has been a central actor in the development, negotiation, and national ratification and implementation of the Cape Town Convention (CTC). He chaired the group that prepared the original ‘Aircraft Protocol’to the CTC, chairs the International Advisory Board for the CTC’s International Registry, and is the director of the Cambridge – UNIDROIT CTC academic project. He leads global projects promoting and assessing ratification of, and compliance with, CTC. He is responsible for AWG CTC compliance index (CTC compliance index).

Jeffrey is currently coordinating the development by AWG of the Global Aircraft Trading System (GATS), a fully electronic platform for the transfer of aircraft subject to leases.

Jeffrey coordinates AWG’s assessment of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) geared to the context of aviation financing and leasing.

Jeffrey is the AWG point on its activities relating to COVID-19.


Jeffrey has taught transnational commercial law, comparative commercial law, and international business compliance.


Jeffrey serves as the executive director of the Cape Town Convention Academic Project (CTCAP), a joint undertaking between the University of Cambridge and UNIDROIT.

Jeffrey directs the project on Best Practices in the Field of Electronic Registry Design and Operation and the project on the Economic Assessment of International Commercial Law Reform, each of which are administratively linked to the CTCAP.

He is also a fellow of the Jeffrey directs a project on comparative commercial law at the Commercial Law Centre, Harris Manchester college.

Jeffrey is a co-author of Transnational Commercial Law (2nd ed., Oxford University Press, 2012). He is a contributing editor to the academic version of the publication, dealing with the relationship between commercial law treaties and national law. He has published recently on that topic, as well as on the design of commercial law treaties seeking economic benefit and compliance with commercial law treaties.

Jeffrey’s broader research interests include the development and history of commercial and transnational commercial law and the relationship between legal institutions and political risks in transactional decision making and pricing.

Research Interests

Transnational commercial law (TCL) and its implementation into, and relationship with, national law and compliance with TCL and economic assessment of it, together with the historical development of commercial law and TCL

Options taught