Jane Donoghue

Departmental Lecturer in Criminology


Dr Jane Donoghue joined the Centre for Criminology in August 2010. She previously worked as lecturer in law at the School of Law at the University of Reading and is the author of 'Anti-Social Behaviour Orders: A Culture of Control?' (Palgrave, 2010). As Principal Investigator, she recently completed an 18 month ESRC funded study of the judicial role in anti-social behaviour cases before the courts in England and Wales. She is currently researching and writing about court specialisation and therapeutic jurisprudence and is also involved in collaborative research on co-production. Dr Donoghue teaches Criminology and Criminal Justice (FHS); Research Design and Data Collection (MSc); Youth Justice (MSc); and Academic Writing Skills (MSc/DPhil).

Dr Donoghue is a member of the Oxford Pro Bono Publico (OPBP) executive committee and is currently involved in a project on the death penalty in India.

For further information about current OPBP projects, please visit: http://www.law.ox.ac.uk/themes/opbp/

Research Interests

anti-social behaviour; crime prevention and community safety; co-production; sentencing; therapeutic jurisprudence; problem-solving courts; and court specialisation.