Hosung Ahn

Hosung is a Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in Law student at Jesus College, supervised by Professor Dapo Akande. His research clarifies what constitutes the practice of international organizations and how such practice contributes to international lawmaking.
As a graduate research resident at Bonavero, he seeks to complete his project on the victims’ right to trial and how such a right can be guaranteed against a State that committed serious human rights violations. Hosung will continue to work on how the Korean courts implement international (human rights) law in their judicial decisions in his capacity as one of the State practice rapporteurs to the Asian Yearbook of International Law and co-authors of the Korean Judicial Decisions series, published twice a year in the Korean Journal of International and Comparative Law.
Before joining Oxford, Hosung taught public law, human rights and international law at the Korea Military Academy as part of his military service from 2020 to 2023. He also interned at the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations in 2016, having the chance to work on sixth committee (legal) agendas.