Hosung Ahn

DPhil Law

Other affiliations

Public International Law Discussion Group Bonavero Institute of Human Rights


Hosung is a Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in Law student at Jesus College, supervised by Professor Dapo Akande. His research explores how practice of international organizations as such (or "institutional practices") contributes to international law. His research interests mainly lie in the law of international organizations, interdisciplinary research on international relations and international law, and implementation of international law at the national level. His DPhil research is generously funded by the Lotte Foundation, Korea.

He graduated summa cum laude at Kyung Hee University, Korea, receiving his Bachelor of Arts degree in International Studies. He obtained his Master of Laws degree in Public International Law from Seoul National University, Korea, having written a dissertation on the use of Article 103 when the Security Council adopted targeted sanctions, imposing seemingly conflicting obligations to the Member States.

Before joining Oxford, Hosung taught public law and international law at the Korea Military Academy as part of his military service from 2020 to 2023. He actively researched domestic implementation of international law and has co-authored several articles regarding the Korean judicial practice. He also interned at the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations in 2016, having the chance to work on sixth committee (legal) agendas.

Research Interests

Public International Law

Law of International Organizations

United Nations Law

Research projects & programmes

Public International Law Research Group