Heidi Beate Bentzen

Heidi Bentzen shares her time between The Centre for Medical Ethics at the Faculty of Medicine and The Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law at the Faculty of Law, both at The University of Oslo. She collaborates with The Norwegian Cancer Genomics Consortium.
Bentzen co-chairs the law and ethics working group in the European network for researchers working on ELSI aspects of genomics, COST Action IS1303. She is also a board member of the Norwegian Association for Law and Electronic Data Processing.
Bentzen has during the PhD period had a visiting research fellowship at the University of Oxford.
Academic interests
Biotechnology Law
Privacy and Data Protection Law
Medical Law
Life Science
Personalized Cancer Medicine / Precision Medicine
Bentzen’s PhD project pertains to the legal regulation of personalized cancer medicine. This includes the regulation of genetic testing, and the processing of human biological samples and DNA data, including reuse and data sharing.