
Georg von Graevenitz is Senior Lecturer in Quantitative Methods at Queen Mary University of London, School of Business and Management. He is an Economics Fellow at the Centre for Copyright and New Business Models in the Creative Economy (CREATe) and an associate member of the Center for Competiton Policy at University of East Anglia as well as at the Oxford Intellectual Property Research Centre. He recieved a B.A. in P.P.E. from Oxford University in 1995, an M.Sc. in economics from University College London in 1996 and a Ph.D. in economics from University College London in 2002.

Georg has published articles on the economics of intellectual property rights and on entrepreneurship in journals such as Management Science, the Journal of Industrial Economics, the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization and Oxford Economic Papers. His current research includes analysis of the European patent system, the European trade mark system, copyright and patent litigation, the use of internet search data for the valuation of intangible (knowledge) assets, the analysis of time use data and measuring the returns to R&D and innovation at the firm level.


Research projects & programmes

Oxford Intellectual Property Research Centre