Francesca Padley
Examinations Officer

Position Description
- nomination and approval of Chairs of Examiners, Examiners, and Assessors
- allocation of examining duties and distribution to the Faculty
- collection and processing of exam marks for Mods and FHS (including use of exams database for FHS)
- circulation of Examiners’ Reports to Faculty Members, College Libraries, etc.
- secretary to the Examinations Committee
In conjunction with the Director of Examinations and Chair of Examiners/Moderators for the FHS/DLS, the BCL/MJur and Law Moderations:
- assist in all areas regarding examinations administration, including Divisional and University requirements
- first point of contact for examination queries and advice relating to the FHS/DLS and Law Moderations examinations
Please send all enquiries about FHS, DLS, Mods, and BCL/MJur examinations to
See also the Law Faculty's A-Z list of administration and services.