Florian Grisel

Grisel F, ‘The Judicial Manufacturers of International Law’ [2023] LAW AND SOCIAL INQUIRY-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN BAR FOUNDATION
Grisel F, ‘The centres and margins of transnational law: potential developments and methodological challenges’ (2022) 49(S1) Journal of Law and Society S51
Grisel F, ‘How migrations affect private orders: norms and practices in the fishery of Marseille’ (2021) 55(1) Law and Society Review 177
Grisel F, ‘Managing the fishery commons at Marseille: how a medieval institution failed to accommodate change in an age of globalization’ (2019) 20(3) Fish and Fisheries 419
Grisel F, ‘Competition and Cooperation in International Commercial Arbitration: The Birth of a Transnational Legal Profession’ (2017) 51 Law and Society Review 790
Grisel F, ‘Treaty-Making between Public Authority and Private Interests: The Genealogy of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards’ (2017) 28 European Journal of International Law 73
GRISEL F, Jolivet E and Silva Romero E, ‘Aux origines de l’arbitrage commercial contemporain : l’émergence de l’arbitrage CCI (1920-1958)’ [2016] Revue De l’arbitrage 403
GRISEL F, ‘Cancelling Disputes: How Social Capital Affects the Arbitration of Disputes on Wikipedia’ Law and Social Inquiry
Grisel F, The Limits of Private Governance: Norms and Rules in a Mediterranean Fishery (Hart Publishing 2021)
Stone Sweet A and Grisel F, The Evolution of International Arbitration: Judicialization, Governance, Legitimacy (Oxford University Press 2017)
Grisel F, L’arbitrage international ou le droit contre l’ordre juridique: Application et création du droit en arbitrage international (LGDJ ed., 2011)
Grisel F, ‘Miles and Norms in the Fishery of Marseille’, Laws of the Sea (Routledge 2022)
Grisel F, ‘Transnational Arbitration Law’ in P Zumbansen (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Transnational Law (Oxford University Press 2021)
Grisel F, ‘Marginals and Elites in International Arbitration’, The Oxford Handbook of International Arbitration (Oxford University Press 2020)
GRISEL F, ‘Transnational Law in Context: The Relevance of Jessup’s Analysis for the Study of ‘International’ Arbitration’ in P Zumbansen (ed.), The Many Lives of Transnational Law: Critical Engagements with Jessup’s Bold Proposal (Cambridge University Press 2020)
Grisel F, ‘The Sources of Investment Law’ in Z Douglas, J Pauwelyn and J Vinuales (eds.), The Foundations of International Investment Law: Bringing Theory into Practice (Oxford University Press 2014)
Sweet A and Grisel F, ‘Transnational Investment Arbitration: From Delegation to Constitutionalization?’, Human Rights in International Investment Law and Arbitration (Oxford University PressOxford 2009)