Fiona de Londras
Other affiliations
Oxford Human Rights Hub
Chair of Global Legal Studies Birmingham Law School, Prof. de Londras co-directed the Durham Human Rights Centre from 2012-2014 as Professor of Law. Prior to joining Durham in 2012, Prof. de Londras held lectureships at University College Cork and University College Dublin. She is a visiting professor at University of New South Wales (where she is affiliated with the Gilbert + Tobin Centre for Public Law) and University College Dublin. In addition, Fiona is a member of the advisory boards of the Centre for Comparative and European Constitutional Studies in the University of Copenhagen and University College Cork Faculty of Law, and is a global affiliate of the Vulnerability and the Human Condition Initiative at Emory University in Atlanta.
Fiona’s work has three main strands. The primary focus has been on terrorism, counter-terrorism, constitutionalism and human rights. Most recently this has taken the form of a major EU-funded project entitled SECILE (Securing Europe through Counter-Terrorism: Impact, Legitimacy and Effectiveness) of which she was PI. A second focus is on comparative human rights law, with a particular focus on the ECHR and constitutional rights protection in the US, Ireland and Canada. Thirdly, Fiona works on human rights and gender, with a particular focus on abortion law reform in Ireland. In all, Fiona is (co) author or (co) editor of more than 60 books, chapters and articles on human rights law.
Prof. de Londras is joint editor-in-chief of the Irish Yearbook of International Law, co-editor of Legal Studies, founder of Human Rights in Ireland, an invited member of the SOURCE network on societal security, and will be a member of the Genest Global Faculty of Osgoode Hall Law School in January 2015. She is also a Visiting Fellow at Oxford Human Rights Hub for the 2014-2015 academic year.