David Leone Suber

Departmental Lecturer in Criminology


David Leone Suber lectures on organised crime at the Center for Criminology, and is a member of Border Criminologies. He researches border policing and the effects of border enforcement measures on smuggling practices. He mostly works on people smuggling, but has also conducted research on the smuggling of mineral resources, looted antiquities, pharmaceuticals and weapons. He is also researching the effects of indefinite detention, de-radicalisation campaigns and forced encampment in counter-insurgency contexts and as counter-terrorism tools.

David has over ten years worth of experience conducting ethnographic fieldwork in Lebanon, Syria, Turkey and more broadly in North Africa and the Balkan region.

He writes as a freelance journalist for international media outlets and has produced award-winning multimedia investigations and film documentaries. He is a consultant to international organisations and law firms and delivers guest seminars at universities in Europe and Arabic-speaking countries.

At Oxford he teaches courses on research methods and organised crime, as is keen to supervise students working on topics related to his areas of research.