Daniel Cloney

Daniel Cloney (Irish: Daniel Ó Cluanaigh) has been engaged in the field of international human rights since 2010. His primary areas of work have included security and protection of human rights defenders, along with digital rights, human rights education, and freedom of religion or belief.
As a Senior Project Research Fellow at Regent's Park College, he supports the mandate of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief with research and project management.
Under the supervision of Dr Shreya Atrey, his DPhil will critically explore international judicial and quasi-judicial bodies' reckoning with discriminatory violence against sexual and gender minorities.
Daniel holds a first class Hons BA in International Relations from Dublin City University. He subsequently graduated with distinction from the MSt in International Human Rights Law (New College, 2020), receiving the inaugural Professor Christof Heyns Memorial Prize for achieving the highest marks in his cohort.
Holistic Security: A Strategy Manual for Human Rights Defenders published by Tactical Technology Collective, 2015. https://holistic-security.org. Co-authored with Craig Higson-Smith, Ali Ravi, and Peter Steudtner.
Journal Articles
‘Rethinking Risk and Security of Human Rights Defenders in the Digital Age,’ Journal of Human Rights Practice, Volume 5, Issue 3, November 2013, Pages 535–547, https://doi.org/10.1093/jhuman/hut023. Co-authored with Stephanie Hankey.
Contributions to Edited Collections
‘Impulsar los derechos digitales para defender los derechos humanos y ambientales. El programa de Defensores Digitales’ in José Candón-Mena and David Montero-Sánchez (eds) Del Ciberactivismo a la Tecnopolítica: Movimientos Sociales en la era de Escepticismo Tecnológico. Comunicación Social 2021. Co-Authored with Alexandra Haché.
Blogs and Book Reviews
‘A Critical Lens on the Protection of Sexual and Gender Minorities under International Human Rights Law‘, Opinio Juris 6 December 2022.
Book Review: Alice Nah (ed), Protecting Human Rights Defenders at Risk. On Security Dialogue, 2 June 2021.