Cristina Valega Chipoco
Cristina Valega Chipoco is an Academic Visitor at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies for HT and TT 2022. She is a Professor at the Law Academic Department of Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), where she teaches Ethics and Professional Responsibility and Research Seminar in Gender and Consumer Law. She is also a Researcher in the Gender, Law, and Sexualities Research Group from PUCP.
Her research focus is feminist legal studies. She examines how legal jurisprudence on gender-based violence can offer a more protective approach to women’s and LGTBQ+ people’s rights. Her recent work has centred on the Peruvian Gender Constitutional Order, the implementation of restorative justice methods to address sexual harassment at Peruvian universities, and the formulation of legal guidelines to offer an interpretation of the Peruvian rape offence from a consent-based model.
Cristina is a lawyer from PUCP and completed postgraduate studies in the Mst in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at the University of Oxford.