Clare Oxenbury-Palmer
Head of Communications

Position Description
Room 109
- Co-ordinates input to the Faculty’s webpages and printed media
- Posts news items on to the website (please e-mail these, or amendments, to
- Receives requests from staff and Faculty members for changes to the website (please e-mail these to
- A member of the Web/Comms team, indentifying and managing larger web projects
- Maintains oversight of the content of the website
- Manages the Faculty’s presence on social media.
- Edits and co-ordinates the production of the Oxford Law News, termly eBulletins and other communications
- Secretary to the Communications and Web Advisory Group (‘CWAG’)
- Please send all enquiries to:
Clare's working hours are currently:
Monday 9am-3pm
Wednesday 9am-3pm
Thursday 9am-3pm
Friday 9am-3pm
See also the Law Faculty's A-Z list of administration and services.