Catherine Donaldson
Web Development and Support Officer

Position Description
(a) Development and maintenance of the Faculty's web-based administrative functions, including:
- Annual Teaching Return
- Graduate Teaching Register
- BCL, MJur & MLF option sign-up
- FHS option and Jurisprudence mini-option sign-up
- Open Day registration
- Subject Group convenor list, Subject Group membership list, Research Groups and e-mail lists
- Key College Contact e-mail list
- Sharepoint Committee sites
- E-mail Project Accounts
(b) General support in the use of Drupal to maintain and edit content on the Faculty website.
Normal hours of work: Monday: 9.30am-6.00pm Tuesday: 9.20am-1.20pm Wednesday: 9.30am-6.00pm Friday: 9.20am-1.20pm
Outside these times feel free to use the email for web support within the Faculty:
See also the Law Faculty's A-Z list of administration and services.