Cassandra Jacobson Russo


Cassandra is a DPhil candidate at the University of Oxford, working under the supervision of Professor Dorota Leczykiewicz. Her research explores the phenomenon of legal reasoning from the perspective of institutional communication. Specifically, her thesis evaluates the Court’s communication within the EU legal space and its ability to preserve the principle of legal certainty. She uses a circular methodological approach that seeks to integrate broader concepts from legal theory with case law analysis. Cassandra’s research is funded by Oxford’s Faculty of Law.

At Oxford, Cassandra teaches European Union Law. She has held a Stipendiary Lectureship at St Peter’s College and taught at five colleges within the University: St Peter’s College, Merton College, Queen’s College, Trinity College, and Wadham College.

Cassandra completed her combined Bachelor and Master’s degree in Law from Bocconi University in Milan. She also earned a Master in Law and Finance from the University of Oxford.

Cassandra is a qualified lawyer with the Italian Bar. Prior to commencing her doctoral studies, she worked as an Associate in Corporate Law at one of Italy’s leading law firms before joining the European Central Bank in Frankfurt. From 2016 to 2022, she was a member of the Banking Supervision Directorate and the Legal Services Directorate at the ECB, providing internal legal advice, drafting ECB Opinions, and assisting in the preparation of litigation.

Research Interests

European Union Law; Constitutional Law and Comparative Constitutional Law; Legal Theory.

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