Binesh Hass

Binesh Hass (BA Toronto, LLB London, MSt DPhil Oxf) is a Departmental Lecturer in Law at the University of Oxford. He teaches broadly in jurisprudence, medical ethics and law, constitutional and administrative law, criminal law, and tort law.
Binesh’s research encompasses a number of topics in law and philosophy, including (i) reasonableness and reasoning; (ii) authority and rules; and (iii) intention in both public and private law.
Prior to rejoining the Faculty of Law, Binesh was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Faculty of Philosophy’s Uehiro Centre, where he founded and continues to convene the Practical Ethics and Law Lectures, which brings together philosophers and lawyers in a speaker–respondent format on questions of common interest.
Hass, B. ‘AI and Discriminatory Intent’ in D Edmonds (ed), AI Morality (OUP 2024).
Hass, B. ‘Reasonableness in Capacity Law’ (2023) 86 Modern Law Review 1447
Hass, B and Wilkinson, D. ‘Disentangling Normativity and Ethics’(2023) 23 American Journal of Bioethics 29
Hass, B. ‘Reasoning and Reversibility in Capacity Law’ (2023) 49 Journal of Medical Ethics 439
Hass, B. ‘The Values and Rules of Capacity Assessments’ (2022) 48 Journal of Medical Ethics 816
Hass, B. ‘The Opaqueness of Rules’ (2021) 41 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 407
Hass, B. ‘The Methods of Normativity’ (2017) 30 Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence 159