Benedict Stanley

Benedict Stanley is in the early stages of a DPhil. His research focuses on the development of doctrinal scholarship in late 19th century English Private Law, with particular reference to comparative developments in Germany during the same period. He is especially interested in the implications of these perspectives on the way English lawyers (and Common lawyers generally) understand the law of obligations -- including their taxonomy, as well as attempts at codification (e.g. the Sale of Goods Act 1893, Partnership Act 1890), and the textbook and restatement traditions.
Benedict's research is supervised by Prof. Ciara Kennefick, and is generously supported by a Barry Scholarship by the Canterbury Institute. Prior to commencing his postgraduate research, Benedict completed a BCL (Distinction) at the Queen's College and a BA in Jurisprudence (First Class) at St John's. He was the Anthony Honoré Scholar at Queens, and was awarded the White & Case Prize in Comparative Private Law.