Anthea Vogl

Anthea Vogl is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Faculty of Law. Her research addresses refugee and immigration law, and racialized forms of regulation of non-citizens and the border. She co-runs the Clinical Refugee Law Program at UTS and teaches in Refugee Law, Administrative Law and Legal Theory. She is currently co-leading an Australian Research Council Discovery Project examining the privatisation of refugee reception and resettlement. Dr Vogl is admitted as a solicitor in the Supreme Court of NSW and has practised in refugee and migration law and advocacy. She is a national co-convenor of Academics for Refugees, a network advocating for refugee rights and justice in Australia, and has spent time as a visiting fellow at the Berlin Institute for Integration & Migration at Humbolt University (2018) and the Centre for Criminology at Oxford University (2019).