Andelka Phillips

Andelka M. Phillips is an academic and writer. She is an Affiliate with the Bioethics Institute Ghent, Ghent University, Belgium and an Academic Affiliate with the University of Oxford’s Centre for Health, Law and Emerging Technologies (HeLEX) and has most recently worked as the the Senior Lecturer in Law, Science and Technology in the TC Beirne School of Law, The University of Queensland.
Dr Phillips’ research interests are broadly in the areas of Technology Law, Privacy and Data Protection, as well as Cyber Security, Consumer Protection, and Medical Law. Her current research is centred around the regulation and governance of new, emerging, and future technologies, with particular emphasis on the impact of technologies on society both through her independent writing and through interdisciplinary collaboration with colleagues. Her work also explores the legal and ethical issues raised by technologies in both local and international contexts.
Dr Phillips' two most recent funded projects are: ‘My DNA, Your DNA, Our DNA: General public attitudes towards genetic privacy’ together with Dr Jan Charbonneau at the University of Tasmania (funded by the University of Waikato and Genomics Aotearoa); and ‘Fairness and Transparency in Emerging Health Markets: Protecting New Zealanders from the Risks of Personal Genomics‘ with Professor Samuel Becher at Victoria University of Wellington (funded by the Borrin Foundation).
The 'Fairness and Transparency in Emerging Health Markets: Protecting New Zealanders from the Risks of Personal Genomics’ has two recent op-eds linked to this project:
- Andelka M. Phillips and Samuel Becher, 'At-home DNA tests just aren’t that reliable – and the risks may outweigh the benefits' ( and-the-risks-may-outweigh-the-benefits-194349 ) The Conversation (29 November 2022)
- Samuel Becher and Andelka M. Phillips, 'DNA Testing is Not “Just Saliva”' not-just-saliva/ The Regulatory Review (9 January 2023)
- Please also see the video Before you buy DNA tests - things to consider ( )
She has been recently interviewed in the following news items:
- Sezan Bakan, 'A simple test could leave your DNA – and your family’s – up for sale’ ( 23andme-leak/ ) The New Daily (9 October 2023)
- ‘DNA testing trial for two of NZ’s most high-profile cold cases’ ( most-high-profile-cold-cases/ ) 1News NZ (5 October 2023)
Dr Phillips is currently an Associate Editor for the Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand (JRSNZ). She is the first editor to be appointed from the discipline of law.
She is also participating in the CYDIPLO Project, which explores 'the emerging field of cyberdiplomacy, in the EU and with key strategic partners. Drawing on perspectives from computer science, political science, law, and behavioural science, it explores a variety of questions, including, how is cyberdiplomacy implemented at the state, non-state, regional and global levels across key issue areas?' For more information see ( )
Dr Phillips is also on the Advisory Board for the ConnecteDNA project and also on the Ethics Advisory Board for the SEURO (Scaling EUROpean citizen driven transferable and transformative digital health) project, as well as the Advisory Board for AI for the Planet.
Much of her recent research has focused on the regulation of direct-to- consumer genetic tests (also known as personal genomics or DTC), examining the industry's use of wrap contracts (browsewrap and clickwrap). This is the subject of her book entitled Buying Your Self on the Internet: Wrap Contracts and Personal Genomics ( your-self-on-the-internet.html ) which was first published by Edinburgh University Press as the first volume in its Future Law series in 2019. The paperback edition of this book was published in May 2021. She also co-edited with Professor Jonathan Herring and Dr Thana de Campos Philosophical Foundations of Medical Law ( ), which was published as part of Oxford University Press' Philosophical Foundations of Law series in 2019.
Research interests:
Technology and the Law, Privacy, Data Protection, Genomics, Consumer Protection, Intellectual Property Law, Medical Law and Ethics, Contract, Legal History.
Select Publications:
23andMe is on the verge of bankruptcy. It may be too late to delete your genetic data October 2024
- New Health Law Blog, Sweden, (February 2024)
- Samuel I Becher and Andelka M Phillips, ‘Data Rights and Consumer Contracts: The Case of Personal Genomic Services’ in Damian Clifford, Jeannie Paterson & Kwan Ho Lau (eds), Data Rights and Private Law (Hart Publishing, 14 December 2023). Earlier draft available at SSRN:
- Valmaine Toki and Andelka M. Phillips, 'Artificial Intelligence and Indigenous Rights' in Benjamin Prud’homme, Catherine Régis, Golnoosh Farnadi, Vanessa Dreier, Sasha Rubel, Charline d’Oultremont (eds), Missing links in AI governance (UNESCO and Mila – Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute March 2023) 209-228
- Samuel I Becher and Andelka M Phillips, 'DNA Testing is Not “Just Saliva”’ The Regulatory Review (9 January 2023)
- AM Phillips and S Becher, ‘At-home DNA tests just aren’t that reliable – and the risks may outweigh the benefits’ The Conversation (29 November 2022)
- AM Phillips, Buying Your Self on the Internet: Wrap Contracts and Personal Genomics (paperback edition, Edinburgh University Press 2021)
- AM Phillips and T Hervey, ‘Brexit and biobanking: GDPR perspectives’ in Santa Slokenberga, Olga Tzortzatou and Jane Reichel (eds), GDPR and biobanking. Individual Rights, Public Interest and Research Regulation Across Europe (Springer 2021)
- A Chu, D Squirrell, AM Phillips, and E Vaghefi, ‘Essentials of a Robust Deep Learning system for Diabetic Retinopathy Screening: A Systematic Literature Review’ (2020) Journal of Ophthalmology
- AM Phillips, ‘Will My Genes Really Help Me Fit Into Those Jeans? Personal Genomics and Wrap Contracts’ in B Schafer, L Edwards, and E Harbinja (eds), Future Law: Emerging Technology, Regulation and Ethics (Edinburgh University Press March 2020)
- full book available through JStor
- J Kaye, AM Phillips, N Shah, and H Gowans for the UK portion of Country Reports in Ma’n H. Zawati, Don Chalmers, Sueli G. Dallari et al, Country Reports’ (19 Jan 2020) 47(4) Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 582-704
- AM Phillips and IS Mian, ‘Governance and of Future Spaces: A Discussion of Some Issues Raised by the Possibilities of Human-Machine Mergers’ (9 October 2019) 62 Development: Dialogue Section 66-80
- AM Phillips, ‘All your data will be held against you: secondary use of data from personal genomics and wearable tech’ in Susan Sterett and Lee Demetrius Walker (eds), Research Handbook on Law and Courts (Edward Elgar Publishing 2019)
- AM Phillips, T de Campos, and J Herring (eds), Philosophical Foundations of Medical Law (Oxford University Press November 2019) – this is part of Oxford University Press’ Philosophical Foundations of Law series.
- AM Phillips, T de Campos, and J Herring, ‘Introduction’ in in Andelka M. Phillips, Thana de Campos, and Jonathan Herring (eds), Philosophical Foundations of Medical Law (Oxford University Press 2019)
- AM Phillips, ‘The Age of Personalised Medicine – From Patients to Consumers: The Digital Environment, Clickwrap Contracts, and Implications for Autonomy’ in Andelka M. Phillips, Thana de Campos, and Jonathan Herring (eds), Philosophical Foundations of Medical Law (Oxford University Press 2019)
- AM Phillips, Buying Your Self on the Internet: Wrap Contracts and Personal Genomics (Edinburgh University Press 2019) – this is the first volume in Edinburgh University Press’ Future Law series.
- AM Phillips, ‘Buying Your Genetic Self Online: Pitfalls and Potential Reforms in DNA Testing’ (May/June 2019) IEEE Security and Privacy 77-81 doi:10.1109/MSEC.2019.2904128
- the accepted version is also available on the Privacy Foundation’s website
- AM Phillips, ‘Reading the Fine Print When Buying Your Genetic Self Online: Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing Terms and Conditions’ (2017) New Genetics and Society 36(3) 273-295. This was an invited article (peer reviewed) for a Special Issue of the New Genetics and Society.
- AM Phillips, 'Take an online DNA test and you could be revealing far more than you realise' (12th January 2016) The Conversation
- Andelka M Phillips, Cyber Risk and Connected/Autonomous Vehicles Workshop – A Summary Report for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles workshop held in Oxford 22 February 2016. – this report was made available to conference participants, but it is not publicly available.
- AM Phillips, 'Direct-to-consumer genetic tests – more than just a question of health' (December 2015) BioNews
- AM Phillips and J Charbonneau, 'From the Lab to the Market' (2015) GeneWatch 28-3 Oct-Dec 2015
- AM Phillips, ‘Only a Click Away – DTC Genetics for Ancestry, Health, Love… and More: A View of the Business and Regulatory Landscape’ (2016) 8 Applied & Translational Genomics 16-22.
- Andelka M Phillips, ‘Genomic Privacy and Direct-to-Consumer Genetics – Big Consumer Genetic Data – What’s in that Contract?’ (presented at GenoPri’15 (The 2nd Workshop on Genome Privacy and Security) and published as part of IEEE Conference Proceedings 2015) Genomic Privacy GenoPri
Select interviews and media:
- Interviewed by Sezan for the article Sezan Bakan, ‘A simple test could leave your DNA – and your family’s – up for sale‘ The New Daily (9 October 2023)
- Interviewed by Dewi Preece for the article ‘DNA testing trial for two of NZ’s most high-profile cold cases‘ 1News NZ (5 October 2023) – a portion of the interview also appeared in the 6pm News bulletin.
- Cited in the article – Noel O’Hare, ‘Strand of Worms’ Listener (24 April 2023) page 19.
- Interviewed for the story DNA Discovery for the Fair Go television show in 2021 – this is available here and it is also available in YouTube
- Brittney Deguara, ‘How DNA techniques in police investigations can create ‘genetic informants” (21 December 2020)
- Libby Copeland, ‘How genetic info is changing the way that police operate—and how we all think about privacy’ Fast Company (19 March 2020)
- Libby Copeland, ‘You Can Learn a Lot About Yourself From a DNA Test. Here’s What Your Genes Cannot Tell You’ Time (2 March 2020) -this is an excerpt from Libby’s book The Lost Family: How DNA Testing Is Upending Who We Are.