Amelie Sophie Berz

DPhil in Law

Other affiliations

Private Law Research Group New College


Amelie is a DPhil in Law candidate at Worcester College, Oxford. Her research, supervised by Professor Horst Eidenmüller and Professor James Goudkamp, examines the tort of negligence in the use of AI and the impact of deploying high-performing intelligent agents on the standard of care. She is interested in the interface of private law theory and AI, drawing on concepts from law and economics and the behavioural sciences, as well as the interface of tort law and public law. Her research is funded by Oxford’s Faculty of Law. 

Amelie works as a Research Associate for Professor Philipp Hacker (European University Viadrina, Germany) and co-convenes the Private Law Postgraduate Research Students Discussion Group. She is a Stipendiary Lecturer in Law at New College and teaches Tort Law at Exeter College. Previously, she has been a Lecturer in Law at Keble College and an Associate Editor of the Oxford Business Law Blog.

Before starting her DPhil, Amelie completed the MPhil in Law at Brasenose College, Oxford. As an undergraduate, she studied Law and Philosophy in parallel at Heidelberg University, the University of Oxford (New College), and the Université de Genève under a scholarship of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation, graduating with the German First State Exam in Law and a Magister Iuris (2022). She has served as the Editor-in-Chief of the Heidelberg Student Law Review and is a mooting enthusiast, having been honoured, runner-up, and highest-marked speaker at mooting competitions from university up to international level. She has previously worked as a Research Assistant to academics and law firms, and was a member of the CDU Heidelberg's education working group.