Online Markets and Offline Welfare Effects – The Internet, Competition, Society and Democracy
How competitive is the digital economy and how may it affect consumer welfare, democracy and society? The significance of these queries cannot be overstated, as their conclusions will determine the dynamics of future technology markets, our social fabric and enforcement policies. Indeed, competition authorities around the world, as well as the EDPS, OECD, UNCTAD, UK House of Lords and other policy makers are currently grappling with these challenging questions.
The issues transcend the antitrust realm. They challenge the scope and reach of traditional law making and enforcement. Further, they affect the media, public debate, democracy and social values.
The conference brings together leading policy makers, enforcers, academics and practitioner to discuss the rise of the digital economy and its consequences. Thought leaders will debate the implications of virtual competition to antitrust enforcement, society and democracy.
Confirmed speakers: Prof. Adi Ayal (Bar-Ilan University), Philip Blond (ResPublica), Alec Burnside (Dechert LLP), Philippe Chappatte (Slaughter and May), Tim Cowen (Preiskel & Co), Prof. Pepper D. Culpepper (Oxford University), Lord David Currie (Chairman, UK Competition and Markets Authority), Christian D'Cunha (Office of the European Data Protection Supervisor), Isabelle de Silva (President, Autorité de la Concurrence), Maurits Dolmans (Partner, Cleary Gottlieb), Prof. Josef Drexl (Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition), Prof. Ariel Ezrachi (Oxford University), Prof. Michal Gal (Haifa University), Prof. Harry First (New York University), Dr Liza Lovdahl Gormsen (British Institute for International and Comparative Law), Barry Lynn (Senior Fellow, New America), Prof. Bill Kovacic (Competition and Markets Authority, George Washington University and King's College), Munesh Mahtani (Senior Competition Counsel, Google), Terrell McSweeny (Commissioner, US Federal Trade Commission), Brian Message (ATC Music Management Company), Mario Monti (The Senate of the Italian Republic), Martin Moore (Director, KCL Centre for the Study of Media), Andreas Mundt (President, German Bundeskartellamt), Prof. John Naughton (Cambridge University), Agustin Reyna (Senior Legal Officer, BEUC - The European Consumer Organisation), Sir Peter Roth (President, Competition Appeal Tribunal), Prof. Maurice Stucke (Tennessee University), Tommaso Valletti (DG Competition, European Commission), Prof. Spencer Waller (Chicago Loyola University), Lord Larry Whitty (House of Lords), Prof. Rebecca Williams (Oxford University).