Johannes Ungerer
Other affiliations
St Hilda's College
Dr Johannes Ungerer is the Erich Brost Senior Research Lecturer at the Faculty of Law and an Associate Research Fellow of St Hilda’s College, and a Global Associate Professor of Law at the University of Notre Dame in England.
At Oxford, he delivers the entire two-year lecture series on German Law and offers seminars and tutorials in the Conflict of Laws and in Comparative Law; he has taught Contract Law, Tort Law, and EU Law for St Hilda’s and other colleges. He initiated and hosts the Oxford Comparative Moot in German Law. For Notre Dame, he teaches European Civil and Commercial Litigation in the London Law Programme. As invited lecturer at Humboldt University Berlin, he taught private international law for LL.M. students in International Dispute Resolution.
His research explores private law from comparative, international, and interdisciplinary perspectives across Common Law and Civil Law traditions as reflected in his publications and presentations. He has collaboratively organised conferences on private international and comparative law, such as Default Rules in Private Law and Characterisation in the Conflict of Laws. In these research areas, he has supervised students and welcomes new MPhil/DPhil proposals.
Outside academia, he has been called upon as court expert on foreign law (Sachverständiger) and as industry consultant.
Prior to his permanent Oxford appointment in 2019, he taught and researched at the University of Bonn, where he also completed his PhD in the area of the law of damages (summa cum laude). He studied law in Halle and Cardiff as a Studienstiftung scholar, and graduated with the German First State Exam and a LL.M.oec. master’s degree in business and economic law. He qualified for the German judiciary and bar with the Second State Exam; his training placements included the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Bundesverfassungsgericht.
Featured Publications | |
Johannes Ungerer, ‘Legislatively Liquidated Damages (Legiliquids)’ (2025) 141 Law Quarterly Review forthcoming | |
Johannes Ungerer, ‘A Bidirectional Anglo-German Comparison of Consideration in Contract Law’ (2023) 72 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 251 Open Access |
Johannes Ungerer, ‘Nudging in Private International Law’ [2022] Rabel Journal of Comparative and International Private Law (RabelsZ) 1 Open Access |
Johannes Ungerer, Gesetzlich pauschalierter Schadensersatz (Duncker & Humblot 2022) |