
Michael has an MA (by Research and Thesis) and PhD from the interdisciplinary Institute for Science and Society (ISS) at the University of Nottingham. He also holds a BSc in Biology from the University of St. Andrews (2000). Michael has recently acted as Principal Investigator on the ESRC-funded project 'Biomodifying technologies and experimental space’, (2017-2020) and its 'sister' project BioGov: Governing biomodification in the life sciences' with professor Kaye. Both projects involved collaboration between researchers from the Universities of Oxford, Sussex and York to examine three '‘gateway technologies’ with wide-ranging applications in medicine and the life sciences; gene editing, induced pluripotent stem cells, and 3D printing of living material. Each of these technologies enables researchers to modify living biological tissue in novel and increasingly patient-orientated and customized ways, which challenge the suitability of traditional manufacturing, governance and reimbursement pathways designed for small molecule pharmaceuticals or medical devices.


Michael has previously worked on a number of biomedical research projects including;  STEMBANCC , Dynamic Consent, BioModifying Technologies, BioGOV: Governing biomodification in the life sciences and the EUCelLEX assessing how current European legislation is applied in different countries in the light of scientific, legal and institutional developments. He has also been a researcher on the European Framework Programme 7 'Regenerative Medicine in Europe' (REMEDiE) project at the University of York. More details on his research, review activity and publications can be found via ResearchGate and his ORCID profile.


Research Interests

Michael’s primary research interest and expertise lies in the application of insights and perspectives from Science and Technology Studies (STS), medical sociology, and the study of emerging biotechnologies.


He is currently working on the REALM (2023-2026) and HEAL-HLA (2022-2025) projects.