CSLS student wins Bonavero Institute's artwork competition



The Centre for Socio-legal Studies is delighted to announce that one of our research students, Aastha Prasad has won the Bonavero Institute’s artwork competition.  Aastha’s work will now appear in the Institutes Annual Highlights publication.

Drawing on her fieldwork, the artworks “Household” and “Migration” reflect on yearly seasonal migration occurring in the Dangs District of Gujarat, India. Adivasi households from the Dangs migrate to neighbouring districts to work as agricultural labourers for sugarcane cutting for up to eight months of the year. The two pieces show the contrast between the longing for a home with dignity of labour and the liminal physical spaces occupied by the Adivasi families living in precarious conditions when their households move between the sugarcane fields to work day and night.

The artworks highlight the work that remains to be done in the field of human rights with the hope that renewed solidarities can lead to change towards the dignity of labour for migrant workers.

Aastha Prasad - Compressed