Judge Meron CMG appointed as Special Adviser on International Humanitarian Law by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court

ICC Prosecutor Karim A.A. Khan QC has appointed Judge Theodor Meron as Special Adviser on International Humanitarian Law to the International Criminal Court.

Judge Meron, a leading authority on International Humanitarian Law, human rights and international criminal law, is Honorary Fellow of Trinity College, Visiting Fellow of Mansfield College, and Academic Associate of the Bonavero Human Rights Institute. Since 2014 he has served as Visiting Professor on Oxford Law Faculty and Professor Emeritus of NYU School of Law.

Judge Meron has served 7 terms as President of UN ad hoc war crimes tribunals and is a member of the Institute of International Law. He is an author of 12 books, most recently Standing Up for Justice: the Challenges of Trying Atrocity Crimes (OUP 2021).

Special Advisers to the Prosecutor are persons with outstanding professional credentials and expertise in their fields. They provide advice to the Prosecutor within their respective mandates as Special Advisers and may assist in training initiatives of the Office. They work on a pro bono basis and are required to sign a confidentiality agreement and are bound by the 'Standards of Conduct' stipulated in, inter alia, Annex I to Administrative Instruction ICC/AI/2016/002.

Source: Office of the ICC Prosecutor.