Artwork Competition for the cover of the Bonavero Annual Highlights report 2021/22!

The Bonavero Institute of Human Rights publishes an Annual Highlights report setting out the highlights of our year. The report is digital only. In previous years, we have used an artwork as the theme for the report. You can look at the last two years’ Annual  Highlights covers here and here. This year we are holding a competition for the cover of the Annual Highlights report.

The theme for the Annual Highlights cover for 2021-2022  is “Human Rights Solidarity”. Not only is the Bonavero Institute a partner in the Symposium on Strength and Solidarity for Human Rights, a multi-year project for building organisational strength and increased solidarity across the human rights field, but in this year too we have been reminded of the importance of solidarity on many occasions and in many ways. With the Law Faculty and the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, we have been host to Judge Fahima Sirat, a former judge of the  Afghan Anti-Courruption Justice Centre who had to leave her job, her family and her country in September after the Taliban took over, our partners in the Price Media Moot in Ukraine, the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy who have suffered during the invasion of their country by Russia, and several of our research visitors this year who have come from countries which have been experiencing human rights violations and political crises.

Entries should be created on paper (using oil, watercolour, pastel, mixed media) and should also be provided as a high resolution (300dpi RGB) A4 landscape format file. An entrant may submit only one entry. Entries should be sent to and should reach us by Friday 17th June at 12 noon. The competition Jury will include the Director and Administrator of the Bonavero, an external faculty member on the M.St. in International Human Rights Law, as well as the designer of the Annual Highlights and at least one independent expert. The Jury will select the best entries for display in the Bonavero over the summer as well as selecting the winning entry. Entrants will retain copyright in their artwork but must be willing for their artwork to be used by the Bonavero in its Annual Report (if their entry wins) and displayed at the Bonavero Institute (if selected by the Jury). 

The competition is open to all Oxford staff members and students who have been registered in the last five years, including students of the M.St./M.Sc. in International Human Rights Law.