Watch Imogen Goold's third Gresham Law Lecture 'Freezing Eggs and Delaying Fertility: Law, Ethics and Society'

Professor Imogen Goold, Professor of Medical Law, was appointed Visiting Gresham Professor of Medical Law in for the academic year 2021-2022.  We are delighted to announce that she has been reappointed for another year.

Her third lecture, 'Freezing eggs and Delaying Fertility: Law, Ethics and Society' of the three part series, 'Your Body Parts and the Law', is now available to watch on YouTube:


With the development of new vitrification techniques, egg freezing has become a viable option for women to protect and extend their fertility. Being able to control when to have children can help achieve life-goals. But there are downsides. 

This lecture explains the science of fertility and egg freezing, the impact of child-bearing and rearing on women’s educational and employment prospects, and outlines the law on freezing eggs. It covers the complex issues around the law's regulation of this practice.

Imogen was featured on BBC's Women's Hour discussing her lecture.  You can find her contribution 10 minutes before the end of this episode.

About the Visiting Professorship of Medical Law at Gresham College

Founded in 1597 by Sir Thomas Gresham’s will, Gresham College is London’s first institute of higher education providing free public lectures.  Founded especially for Professor Goold, the Visiting Professorship of Medical Law was created in 2021 and covers the important issues being discussed in medical law today.